Chapter 20: Going Out. Yipee!!!

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The next day, I woke up feeling really refreshed. The babies hadn't disturbed me at all last night. Well, that was a first! I couldn't wait to meet my friends, especially Richard, today. I stood up and took a morning stretch. Then, I went downstairs to take my breakfast. Mom and Dad were already up, making breakfast.

"Mornin' Em," said my dad.

"Morning," I said, casually, remembering about yesterday.

"How was your sleep?" he asked.

"Fine," I replied, shortly.

Mom made eggs and bacon for us. Then, I saw Hannah and Jason coming down the stairs.

"Morning guys!" said Mom.

"Morning Mom," said Hannah.

"Morning," said Jason.

"What do you guys wanna eat for breakfast?" asked Mom.

"I'll just grab some cereal and milk," said Hannah.

"What about you Jason?" asked Mom.

When she asked Jason I could tell that she was acting differently towards him because of the way she was talking to him. She used her "nice/sweet mom" voice.

"Bacon's fine," he said, equally polite as Mom.

I guessed that they talked with each other last night.

I finished my breakfast and cleaned the dishes after that. Then, I went back upstairs to get ready for school. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. While I was putting on some make-up, I heard a cry coming from my room. I finished putting on the finishing touches of my make-up and headed towards my room.

It was Tyler. He was standing up in his crib, crying.

"Hey buddy," I said, lifting him out of his crib.

He continued to sob and put his head on my shoulder.

"What's wrong? You did a good job last night for not waking me," I said.

Maybe he needed a change. I smelled his diaper and realized that he needed one.

"Yep, let's take you to the bathroom," I said.

I went to the bathroom and changed my baby brother. After that, I got my bag and brought my baby brother downstairs. Peter and Sarah had woken up.

"Hey there's my baby boy!" said Mom, cooing at Tyler.

She came towards me and took him from my arms.

"Hey guys, I'll be heading to school now!" I informed my family.

"But isn't it a bit too early?" asked Dad.

"Yeah it is. But I'm walking so it's gonna take a while for me to get there," I said.

Dad turned to my Mom and they both made eye contact for a while.

"Well alright," Dad said, after a couple of seconds had passed, "Be safe and have a good day. And remember you're still grounded, so you better be back at home after school!"

"Yes Dad, I know," I said, turning around and rolling my eyes.

I left my house and went straight for school. I texted Richard to meet me earlier so that we could head out to the coffee shop again.

"Hey Em? How's it going?" asked Richard, when we met each other at school.

He had parked his car in the school parking lot and we both walked to the café.

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