The Dragon Behind The Girl

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Silence had fallen around them. The old god watching his heart glare at him. No love or kindness within her eyes, nothing that called out to him, it cut deeper then he would ever care to admit. Solas had watched Evelyn for a very long time, and even though this person looked like her, it simply wasn't.

Her shoulders which were once soft and fluid were now tight and squared. Her hands, which once caused a wild storm to calm, were now turning white with how hard she was holding her sword. Her smile and eyes that once sparkled were now replaced with a scowl and sharp stares. He was stood before a complete opposite of his heart and he had no idea how to talk to her.

"Sparky?" Varric was the first to break the silence, and he could hear the slight worry in the dwarfs voice. "You okay?" he added, not making any sudden movements. It seemed that Solas wasnt the only one to notice the change in her demeanor. Evelyn finally looked away from Solas and directly at Varric, he didnt shy away from the glance but Solas note the others take a few steps back.

"Yes, Varric." she replied, her voice strained against the words she spoke. "As fine as I can be considering the situation." she added coldly. Solas had never heard her be cold before. Even after everything, Evelyn had always been forgiving. The woman before him looked at each one of her friends, her eyes scanning the room.

"Okay...good..." Varric replied, not entirely sure of himself at the moment. Not that Solas blamed him.

"We should head back to the cave you made into a camp." Solas spoke finally, his voice stronger then he felt. Her glares was back on him and it felt like it wasnt about to fade any time soon. Agreeing, they all smiled out of the room until only he and Evelyn remained. "I..." Solas had wanted to apologise, to make her see that being apart had killed him inside, but the words died in his throat.

"Whatever you are going to say, Wolf. Save it." her tone was unnatually brutal and harsh. Being called wolf made it all the more painful. "What happened was beyond either of our control and making a blubbering display of affection would be wasted." she huffed and finally moved away. Each step hurt him. She stopped at the bottom.of the steps, turning to face him once again, her eyes a little less angry. "You cannot fix this." she added, her tone seemed...dejected. And with that she had gone.

Solas was left on his own for the moment. And it felt longer then all the time he had been away from her. Evelyn was his heart and right now, his chest felt empty and scarred. What had he expected? A loving embrace? Her lips on his? It didnt fit and knowing that he got here too late to save that was beyond heart breaking. He sighed and followed suit, staying at least a few feet behind the group.

Her demeanor and attitude did not dissuade the others from jumping right back into the usual inner circle chatter. She remained silent and observing though, very much like an outsider would. What had the shadow done to her? He recalled what she had said and it did not settle the worry in his chest. What was trapping his love? And why should he not be there? Whatever this was. It made everything that much worse.

Unbeknowest to most of the party, Evelyn was not free yet. Not that anyone knew the depravity of the situation. The woman they had all come to cherish was currently locked in a battle with her self. Dragon, inquisitor, friend and lover. All were her, yet all were currently seperate. Her eyes bored the brunt of the problem. Many believed the mark made Evelyn unchanged by Lyrium. After all, she had come in contact with it more times then anyone. Yet it never changed her. Now it seemed like Lyrium was her prison and one no one could help her escape from.

Her eyes returned to the centerpiece of all this. The man who her heart had claimed. Humans and elves didnt mate for life, Dragons however, Did. And it just made her even more angry that this being, this supposed god of tricks and war had won her so easily and hurt her so badly. Although the feelings of care and love were overflowing for the elf, all that Evelyn (at least the one in control now) could think of was how he had left her, broken her, lost her and killed her. Everything that he should be sworn not to do. The confusing mix was doing nothing to settle her and if anything, made her even more angry at the fact she had so little control.

The Taint of Magic - A Solas x Lavellan StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora