Once Golden City

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Which brings us to the current events that hold Thedas. Evelyn finally came too from what could only be called her fall, or did she not die and someone had healed her in time? Evelyn blinked as she realized that the area she lay in was no longer in Skyhold. Nor was she in the Skyrim burrow that this started in. This whole world jumping thing was starting to get tiresome.

Evelyn sat up slowly and glanced around, the walls were a faded black and gold, a blending of the two colours that made her very skin crawl with worry and dread. Why was this place so familiar? The vielfire that hung on the walls showed off the once beautiful details, each picture still seemed to dance with shadows. Murals that depicted the events of things in Thedas. Evelyn walked passed them, running her hand over events that she could no longer remember, and she wondered if her inquisition was there somewhere. Was she displayed like these figure's were? Like the murals Solas had pained for her once?

"She wakes." a very feminine voice called out to her, bringing Evelyn out of her trance and as she glanced back, Evelyn was startled as she saw two beautiful golden chairs by a large fireplace. Bookshelves all around the enclave and a women, what seemed a mix between elven and human, sat on one with a book balanced delicately on her lap. The Lady's eyes were swirling with colours that Evelyn didn't have names for, her hair flowed like starlight over the small shoulders. Whoever his was, they was simply breathtaking. Evelyn felt an odd sense of peace wash over her heart the longer she looked and her mind seemed to forget the pain coming from the mark.

"Who are you?" Evelyn asked, surprised at how well her voice sounded, and then frowned even more when the women smiled so brightly at her, like the answer was oh, so simple.
"I have many names. Though, none are the ones you think. Humans name me Maker I think. And your elhven friends named me Forgotten once upon a time... Even in Tamriel, I have names that lay buried with the people who once prayed to me. But for now you can call me Pan." she said and set her book down onto the table between the chairs. "Care for some tea?" she added and poured the two teacups anyway. The table was a beautiful red wood, the base seemed to be a wolf and the actual tabletop was made of glass that shimmered green and blue.

Evelyn stood still and noticed she was no longer in her armour, nor was she injured, or in pain but she could still feel his mark on her hand. Which seemed to hiss at the magical energy around them. Did it not like the company she was with? Or was she really dead and in the fade once more?
"Where am I?" Evelyn asked as she approached the table slowly, worried she was never going to wake up from this.
"I am afraid I can't say, I have been waiting for you for a long time Evelyn." The Lady smiled again and sipped her tea slowly, "Andraste berates me often for waiting so long, but I believe I caused you less suffering by not interfering." she added and looked at the girl before her. The contrast was nearly scary, a woman who oozed confidence and a girl who still rubbed her hand without thinking too much on it.

This woman who acted like a goddess, had chosen her, and somehow she was the real reason behind the state of the worlds?
"So...you...you're female?" Evelyn felt at a loss, she had met wanna-be gods, real gods and she was even in love with one...yet to know that the Maker, or a spirit that thought itself the Maker, was real. Evelyn found it almost funny that the one being the Chantry believed in whole heartedly, was female. This earned a laugh from the being sat opposite. Whose skin seemed to shine like the sun as she laughed, she seemed to radiate peace and happiness and it was wasted on Evelyn.

Evelyn sat down slowly and felt reality bite at the edge of her mind, this caused her heart to ache and even with peace, she could only feel like crying in this kind of setting.
"Yes, I do believe I am. Last time I checked anyway. But surely you are wondering why you are here?" she asked in reply. Like Evelyn should have focused more on that, then the gender of the goddess. Evelyn bowed her head and flexed her hand, feeling it ache again for the third time since waking up. Was it because she was thinking him? Missing him?

"I am sorry to say that I will be sending you back." Pan said, now with a frown on her doll like features, "You have to stop Fen'Harel from tearing his beloved creation down. If he does so Evanuris will be free again and my creation, Thedas, will not survive the end of the year. And as much as my children believe I have forsaken them, I have yet to do so....but as you know, one must suffer before learning a lesson and even then, you don't always." the woman said with a sigh, Evelyn found herself slightly angry that a goddess would remain so sure that some lessons could be learned at all. Her anger masking her confusion, what did she mean by creation? What had he made that he was considering taking down?

"However, I will not send you back defenseless, If you do this for me and stop the dread wolf in his tracks once more. Then, I will grant you the power to stop the blight. Even cure it from the Wardens and whatever else you might need of me." she said and watched Evelyn for a reaction. Anything she wanted from her? Evelyn frowned at this, again with a choice. That screamed that either way would hold problems.

"You can do that...?" Evelyn murmured, then this being was stronger then anyone thought and that was nearly as terrifying as being stuck in the afterlife with her.
"Of course, I could have given it to anyone before now, and Andraste has asked it of me many times. But, I did not believe in you and I did not believe that Thedas could be saved." What kind of excuse was this? Evelyn held her hands tightly and felt the same anger she felt whenever a deadra demanded something off her. Like Mora, how he had demanded her servitude and she had been so brave and so angry.

"However, your sacrifice and ability to defeat Corphyus has proven me wrong once again. You have the tendency to show old beings that hope is stronger then doubt. I will never hear the end of it. Believe me." Pan mused and looked at the elf warmly. How was this women a goddess at all? She seemed more human then any of them could ever possibly be. Her mistakes and her faults were so familiar and Evelyn found herself wishing for something easy for once. Even her death held problems and she didn't get to rest and have a respite. No, instead she was making deals and making choices that affected everyone.
"So? Will you stop your Vhenan from destroying your new world?" Pan asked sadly, the look gave Evelyn a feeling of dread as she sat opposite the being.

And in that moment, Evelyn realized, she really had no choice at all.

The Taint of Magic - A Solas x Lavellan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now