Mistakes of the Gods

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Evelyn had woken slowly, alone, and it had almost seemed like a dream. Everything. Solas's touch and her death were merely a dream. The elf glanced around her room and her eyes stopped on her damaged armor. Not a dream then. She frowned, then smiled softly, she had lain with Solas finally, after how many long years of wishing for it...she grinned and fell back against the bedsheets, sighing happily, how had it felt? Being with the man she loved so completely? Evelyn breathed in and out before getting up and dressed, she took her time, after all who was waiting downstairs now?

Evelyn's life had been spent in odd periods really, she had grown up in Skyrim and it meant that she was unaware of Thedas' troubles or the fact her birthright was more then a mere accident. She was Dragonborn, blessed by the dragon goddess and marked by flames and trouble. She had fought for everything in her life and nothing was ever easy. That much was true. Even now, as she got dressed slowly, she knew that it was a moment before everything fell apart again. Before she lost everything once again. What had Lydia said? She was a magnet for trouble. Who else had accidentally fallen into a spiders nest? Or stumbled into a sleeping wyven nest? Evelyn sighed faintly and recalled the night before facing Corphyus and how she had wondered the same thing she did here. Did that mean she was going to face something soon?

It was a crack of thunder that roused her from her room and out onto the balcony, she frowned at the flashes of lightning and rumbles of thunder. Yet there were no clouds. She looked down, there he was looking at her, and she giggled faintly. Waving. He was her heart, and she was his. What a nice thought. It all came crumbling down though, in that small moment, the sky seemed to shatter and Evelyn froze in her spot. How could something as real as the air above them seem to crumble like nothing? Had Pan misjudged the time she had? It was terrible as she saw magic ripple like a shockwave above her, no demons though and that gave her pause. Evelyn glanced down to Solas, who was looking at her with worry and fear, why was he looking at her like that? It hit her like a slap, he wasn't doing this and neither was she, which meant that someone else was. Or maybe the years of cracks were finally unable to stand anymore. Whatever it was, she felt the tug in her heart and glanced back for a moment. What was she supposed to do? Evelyn gave an eep and braced herself against the banister as the ground beneath her feet rumbled and started to shake, more cracks appearing everywhere she could see. The mountains crumbled and the tower she was in started to give way. Screams and shouts came from beneath her, the courtyard seemed a wash of activity and she looked up at the sky in time to see a blinding flash of green light.

It had been too bright, and Evelyn had to cover her eyes to stop herself being blinded.
"Find the truth, and save Thedas..." came a whisper from behind her, Evelyn turned to see but was pushed forward, getting her head knocked off the stone balcony floor. It was over like that, no more thoughts.

When Evelyn came too, she was freezing and it was not the nice kind of cold either. Her eyes opened slowly and she felt dread spread in her gut, this wasn't Skyhold....no, she wasn't in Thedas anymore.
"Solas..." she gasped and pushed herself up, still wearing the outfit from skyhold though and that meant she had no weapons. "Shit." she glanced around the room, the broken mirror was pulsing slightly, the cracks in it were larger now too. She noticed her backpack and breathed out in relief. Her spare armor and weapons from her time in Skyrim were waiting.
"Sparky?" came a male voice and Evelyn spun, coming face to face with a Nord who looked too much like Varric.
"Varric?" she asked in confusement, and the nord seemed to nod and look down at himself.
"I am tall." he said slowly and looked around the room, "Where are we? What happened?" he added and walked to her, he was wearing fur armor and had his crossbow on his back. Seemed that didn't change much after all. Evelyn watched him pick up a torch and she was taken back for a moment, he was still good looking but if he was there...did that mean Solas was too?

Evelyn brushed her clothes and frowned slightly, he would have to know the truth now too, and who else? Everyone? Evelyn wasn't ready for that, but it couldn't be stopped if they were in Skyrim now.
"We are in Skyrim, my home country, I am not sure what happened but it must have been Pan, or the Maker, and we have to find the others..." she breathed out and watched the man before her take that all in.
"You...came from here....?" he asked slowly, "Okay...so why am I no longer a dwarf?" he asked and picked her bag up and blinked at the weight of it.
"There....are no dwarfs in Skyrim, they are extint. Have been for years." she winced as his eyes narrowed, "So the god that put us here must have changed you....oh gods, Bull. There are no qunari either!" Evelyn rubbed her head and took the bag, "Come on, Nord, lets find some food." she teased and laughed lightly at his huff. "So, when you asked about those stories...you really had never heard of them before?" Varric asked as they walked down the side of a mountain, Evelyn gave him a sheepish smile and laughed as he rolled his eyes. "All this time, Sparky, and you still surprise me." he added with a bemused smile. How little he knew her, Evelyn smiled sadly as they reached the main path. Hopefully everyone was okay.

They were in trouble now, weren't they? Evelyn wondered what happened, how had the sky fallen apart like that. There must have been a reason why Pan sent them here...maybe there was something in Skyrim where they could fix Thedas. Evelyn rubbed her eyes as they left the burrow. They were two days walk from Whiterun, so they would need to find food themselves. At least she had a bow to hunt with. Varric seemed to be taking the world jumping quite well, but he kept looking at her with suspicion and she knew it was because of the story she had yet to tell. Varric always knew when there was a story involved...her mother could tell it better, and somehow she wondered how her mother would take Varric. Evelyn knew that her mother missed Thedas, but she didn't miss the old gods (including Solas) or wars. How long had she been gone from this world? Not long by the looks of it...

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