Mighty Fine Floor Show

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Evelyn did not know what broke the tension, or why he retreated back towards his books, but something came between them that left her feeling colder and more alone then she ever had. She felt her hand drop as she finally heard the door shut below them. How did he hear that before she did? Ah, he was more aware of his surroundings...always on edge.
"The plans you wanted, sir." came a small female voice, Evelyn glanced back at the small pixie of an elf standing by the banister. She seemed to pale at the sight of the old inquisitor. "I-I'm sorry...I didn't think..." the girl bowed and left the papers on her desk before running out of the room so quickly that Evelyn didn't know if she had ever been there in the first place.

This seemed to bring her back to the pressing matters, to the dire situation she had to stop, and the being behind her life. Evelyn glanced up at the man who, even now, was a master at hiding behind a façade. The god of tricks? He had earned that title, and even now she wondered if anyone had made it past his walls. Evelyn sighed and walked passed him and opened her wardrobe. Untouched outfits greeted her and she smiled almost happily at the familiar pieces of cloth. Even her enchanted Nightingale armour was here.

"I kept them all." Solas said softly and slipped a shirt on, another wall to protect his heart it seemed. "Though, the purple one, you have never worn it. And it is nothing I have seen before." he added. A question within the words and she didn't miss it.
"It is all I have left of before." Evelyn said cryptically and smiled at his confused expression. "Before the conclave." she expanded and took out the usual. Pale grey clothing that she had grown to like.

It had been hard to give it up, to wear that dragon plate armour she was given. A gift from someone who liked her a bit too much. How she had folded it away and held it close to her. She had made sure to go back for it. The one thing that she asked from the Chargers. Evelyn looked at him as she placed the clothes on her bed. Should she change behind the shield or should she do something brash?

Evelyn didn't move her eyes off him as she slipped the sleeves of her shoulders. Watching his eyes widen and the tips of his ears turn a soft pink. Of course, she wasn't wearing much underneath. Whoever had changed her from the bloody armour didn't think she would need a breast band anymore, so the moment her dress hit the floor, she was very much bare in front of him. Heart and all. She leaned forwards and pulled her pants on, taking extra not to fall and not to lose herself in the moment. Carefully, and ever so slowly, she leaned against the bed to pick her tunic up. And as she did so, she could almost hear the intake of his breath, as he watched her put a display on. He had not moved, barely breathed, as he watched his inquisitor so carefully. If she hadn't taken her eyes off him, she would have been worried and shouldn't have enjoyed watching him be that speechless, or that he was simply trying to hold onto some of his basic control.

Soon enough she was dressed again and tied her hair back, looking like the woman he remembered from before Corphyus's fall. Had he missed her every day, every moment, like she had? The elf hoped so, but they had yet to talk on that. She had literally woken a few hours ago. Evelyn tucked a piece of her honey blonde hair behind her ear and watched him finally move away. Towards the books once again. This was how things always went about. She would push and he would pull away, making an excuse about his studies or something. And the saddest part was, the inquisitor wasn't even surprised. So many times...

Evelyn fixed her tunic once more, giving up on her little floor show, before picking the dress up and heading towards the wardrobe. The little elf froze as she reached the wardrobe and felt his arms come around her. Strong and protective, and still made her feel so precious to him. Evelyn held her breath as he helped her put the beautiful piece away. She could still feel his breath on the back of her neck, sending chills down the entirety of her spine. The smell of pine wood and him surrounded her, tingling her nerves and brushing her senses like he always did when he was so close. Evelyn felt so light headed as he led his warm hands down her arms, exploring the body he knew all too well. Solas had never been so brave before, and if he had it was only after she pushed too hard.

At least, he hadn't lately, not since the clearing nearly three years ago. The memory of him still burned what was left of her heart.
"Solas..." Evelyn whispered, her heart beating so fast as he rested his hands on her waist.
"Yes, Vehnan?" he whispered back, his mouth by the side of her face, it almost tickled as she felt the warmth spread across her skin. Solas was full of confidence and what she could only guess was mild amusement. What kind of game were they playing now?

Evelyn closed her eyes, trying to bring what little words she had left together, as she shut the wardrobe. Feeling his body press up against hers so effortlessly, leaving a kiss on her shoulder, before releasing her once more. If she wasn't holding onto the furniture, in front of her, she would have surely not been able to stand at all.
"Nothing..." Evelyn said softly, the pain flared in her heart as she turned to him once more. Solas was stood two steps away, so close yet so far, the arrogant smile on his face and coldness in his eyes made Evelyn want to cry all over again. He had so many personalities, it was hard to keep up with, but she tried. Oh god, did she try.

Out of them all, the main ones were the usual Solas. Where his control and intelligence was the mask most, if not all, people saw when they met him. Then there was her Solas, kind, caring, sweet and simply hers. Sometimes there was the embarrassed Solas, whose ears turned pink and he lost some control, when he got distracted by her. Her innocence or need to protect others had often left him so confused he had spoken the truth without even knowing. Finally, there was Fen'harel, the wolf. The proud and arrogant god that liked winning and hated losing. In any and all game. She had only met that one twice. And both times, she had barely escaped with her life.

This Solas in front of her seemed to be a mix of all of them. His cheeks and tips of his ears were still pink. His smile was full of confidence, because he knew what he had done to her, and his eyes still held the control that made her feel like she was talking to a mirror. After all, he could deflect and avoid questions like no tomorrow. All Evelyn could do was offer him a soft smile, one that seemingly caught him off guard. He watched her once again as she slipped shoes on, what had they planned to do again?

"Let's go, then." Evelyn said and breathed out as she went for the staircase. So many problems remained between them. She had died, and he had left. Both times she had no choice and both times she still turned to him. Was this what love was? To always look back, even if you knew, deep down that it would never work. Evelyn tried not to look at him as she thought on the sense of loss she still felt. What was she supposed to do?
Her train of thought came to an abrupt stop as he took her arm harshly and pulled her to him. When his lips touched hers, her worry melted into surprise and then finally acceptance.

They had shared so many kisses. Sweet and soft ones for when they were alone. Deep and primal ones for when she had been gone too long without him. Small and sneaky ones for when they should have been listening to their friends and even the ones that still made her knees weak. This kiss he gave her now though, beat all others, his arms held her against him tightly. Like he was afraid, that if he let go, she'd be the one to leave. His lips moulded against hers and their bodies entwined once more. The need she felt, the ache and love, it was all too much. She felt her cheeks become wet as she let herself fall deeply into the kiss, it made everything that had happened, all they had been through, fade away. It was simply the two of them, and what jumbled mess of emotions were inside the two.

Evelyn sighed softly as he led his kisses to her cheek and put their foreheads together. He felt tense against her and she knew that he wanted to retreat once more. Her eyes looked up into his, and what she found there scared her more then him being cold. His eyes seemed to be aflame, passion and confusion were mixed with love and anger. He wanted her, she could feel that as he led his hands down and held onto her tighter, but something held him back, a frisson of fear maybe? Evelyn was going to ask him what was wrong, but she didn't have the chance as he leaned down and kissed her again.

The Taint of Magic - A Solas x Lavellan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now