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They were about a days ride away from Solitude when Evelyn made them stop and set camp, they didn't question her nor did she notice their lack of complaints. The wind called to her like it had done many times, a whisper that lulled her towards something she knew was unnatural. Telling her friends to guard the horses and supplies, she went ahead alone. Evelyn climbed down the rocky hill slowly, her hand deep within the dirt as she followed her heart. When was the last time she let her hair down and breathed in the nature? When was the last time she felt one with the forests? Evelyn knelt by some trees and looked ahead.

There was a cave entrance not far off from her position, unguarded and untouched, like a giant crack in the mountain. The wind blew towards the cave and she knew somehow that she was needed in there. Deep within the earth once again. Evelyn walked slowly, timidly, like she was worried this was a trap. Set by the monster that was currently set on destroying her. There was a cold rush of air, the strong smell of water and earth, it reminded her so much of the temples in Thedas. The long forgotten stories that remained even if the people didn't.

The floor was dry but the walls were damp and smooth, like a rock polished to perfection, and with each step she felt a thrum of energy pass through her. The calm mark sparked and flared violently, bringing light to the dark cave. Evelyn slipped down a step and gasped as the narrow passage bloomed, a giant cavern lay before her with giant marble pillars keeping the ceiling up. The mark sparked again, causing braziers near by to burst with veilfire. There were mosaics on the wall that depicted great battles, they were similar to the ones she had seen in Mythal's temple. Yet, these were darker. Evelyn pushed herself up and walked down the rest of the broken steps into the space. The green light only caused the pictures to shimmer and move, like shadows danced over them, this place was dark and long since abandoned.

Moving through the room was easy, but each step made her pause for a moment, she wasn't safe here. She reached the other end of the cavern and pushed open what was cold under her touch, it had to be a metal of some kind but none that she knew of. The inner room was far more delicate then the hall she had just walked. Evelyn felt her heart tighten at the familiar shape. It was a rotunda. Each side of the room was painted, just like Solas had painted her's. She turned slowly, looking at each one in wonder and awe. This room just felt different, secure and hidden, like a piece of her heart had pulled her here for a reason.

Evelyn stopped when she saw one of the walls shimmer, the, the painting was cracked. Walking closer she touched the wall only to find it was liquid, stepping back as a gasp escaped her lips, this was no picture. But the same mirror that took her to Thedas. Had it been moved? Or...had it moved itself? She looked back around the room, there must be more pieces of these hidden across Skyrim. With hidden treasure deep within their walls. Her back to the mirror only meant one thing, she didn't see the sparks from her hand ignite the words around the mirror's edge. Nor the shapes shimmer and push through.



Dorian slumped against the small pile of wood that Sera had tried to light, he watched slowly as the little elf got more and more angry at the small task, he knew that kind of anger was not towards the actual wood or lack of fire. But towards the whole situation they found themselves in. Dorian rolled his eyes and clicked his hands, causing the wood to ignite and Sera groan in defeat and fall back.

"Do you think she is okay?" Sera asked with a small frown on her face that surprised Dorian, there were many times that Sera surprised him with her sanity, this was another one of those times it seemed.

"Of course, she is always okay." Dorian replied with certainty, though she had been silent through their ride, letting himself and Sera bicker like children. She hadn't even laughed when Dorian had made Sera's horse gallop ahead.

"I don't think she is." Sera added and looked at the sky, "this place brings out weird things. I just want to go back." Now that sounded like the Sera he knew, pouting and ready to shoot something with her bow.

"At least she isn't alone." Dorian mused and drank some water, that wasn't right though, she was alone right now. "This land is strange indeed, shall I put up the tents?" He asked and smiled more, Sera huffed and pushed herself up. Dirt and leaves in her blonde hair now. He only managed to hear a part of a cuss word as she stood, knowing she was going to do that. So he would focus on food.

It was that moment that the sky became a terrible black and lightning flashed across the sky. The horses, except Shadowmere, became restless as the clouds swirled around one of the hills not far from their spot. Dorian stood just in time to see a flash of green lightning hit not far from where they were. The next moment rain poured so heavily that Dorian was soaked before he managed to pick their supplies up. The entire land became a dark haze.

"Get the horses! We need to find shelter!" Dorian shouted, hearing her aye as they followed the direction that Evelyn had gone in. The rain poured heavier and heavier as they reached the cave, the only option for shelter. Venturing in with the horses, they found the same hall and decided to set up camp there. If Evelyn was near by, then she would find them easily. Unaware what was happening behind the sealed doors just in front of them.


Evelyn turned when her name was called and came face to face with a reflection of Solas, he looked better but the cut below his eye had yet to heal properly. She walked back towards the image and reached out. Only to meet a shield keeping them apart. She could see and hear him, but not feel him close to her, what was happening?

"Vehnan." He had that sad smile on his face, the slight tilt in his head as he gazed at her, her chest felt like it was caught in an iron grip and she could barely breathe.

"" she asked and brushed her hand over the frozen glass, his hand reached up and touched on the other side. She wanted to cry, they were so close and yet apart once more. Evelyn didn't even take in the background of where he was, no, her mind simply focused on him. The way he was stood, and the way he reached out to her was what kept her eyes on him. What made the tears come was what he was wearing, the dread wolf armor, that brought back terrible memories and the truth. He was a whole other world away.

"That is not important, we only have a short time before it fails and..." Evelyn felt the sob bubble up, she closed the distance between herself and the mirror's edge. Both hands on the glass as well as her forehead. "Vehnan..." his tone cut deeper as she looked up at him, there was a tear falling from his eye as he did the same. One heart, that was what she always said, and now she was separated by that. "Ar lath ma." he whispered softly, she felt another sob escape her and nodded.

"and I you." she mumbled, "I am scared, Solas, things are changing and I can't stop them. What do I do? I don't know what's real or what's a dream anymore. How can I save anyone if I can't save myself?" she asked in a rush, looking at the man who was the only one to see the weaker side of her soul. He had accepted that but rejected her anyway later on.

"You are not alone. I will find my way to you and we will face this together, do not let this thing get inside your head Vehnan, you are stronger then you realize." He said softly and she noticed the wince in him. He wanted to hold her tightly, keep all these pieces of her together for as long as possible.

"I haven't felt right since I came back Solas, I feel like I am losing my mind...I need you." she sobed and saw the image start to crack more. He looked alarmed for a moment and tried to say something, but it only came back jumbled. "Solas? no! Solas!" she cried as the image finally faded and left her with only her reflection. Hands balled into fists she hit the glass in anger and desperation. Tears running down her cheeks as she screamed out loud, it only stopped when she heard the heavy crash of thunder and rain. She slid down and curled up. Finally letting herself cry. Unaware of the storm outside that was washing their tracks away. How she had managed to stay up, smiling and focused all that time was beyond her.

Evelyn had died, come back and lost it all within moments. Why did nothing ever good happen to her? Where was her happiness hiding? Why did she feel broken like the glass behind her? Evelyn cried herself to sleep there, curled up by the mirror, and it wasn't until the early hours of the following morning that Dorian found her. Seeing his leader and his friend like this was hard, so he simply let her sleep. Covering her with a blanket before heading back to the camp fire. Saying only three words to Sera, who paled at the mention of them.

"You were right." 

The Taint of Magic - A Solas x Lavellan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now