The Aftermath

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They were cuddling, curled up in her bed sheets, Evelyn sleeping soundlessly and Solas....Solas was very much awake. Running his hand gently up and down her arm as he watched her breathe in and out. So many things clouded his mind as he watched her, his people wanted freedom and he had given it to them, but things were just about to change in Thedas and she had returned to him. To stop him? And she did just that, in the few short moments she had broke through and had him bend his knee to her. Her gentle touches had burned his skin at first, but now, now he was desperate for more. He kissed her shoulder faintly, careful not to wake the woman, and got up. He could recall the battle with almost pin point accuracy.

He had watched from outside as the battle waged, the smoke and fire, the screams and yells of war, and he had wanted it to stop. This was his home once, and he had given it to Evelyn so willingly, for her inquisition. Had he only just asked for it, maybe she would have given it willingly, or maybe she would have denied him. Solas could feel his mark pull at him, and he stayed still in that spot seeing Cullen's forces actually hold his back. Another reason he was cautious about this, Cullen would defend his Vehnan with his last breath for reasons unknown, and it made Solas jealous that the man could do so. He had been thinking of her when there was a piecing yell over the sounds of clashing metal.
"Hope is down!" it called and Solas felt saddened, another one lost to the battle. What he hadn't expected was his forces to cease or her forces to stop and turn. This Hope must have been important, but he didn't know who. Not until he saw Cullen's face.

The world had gone into slow motion then as he walked through the gates, his solider's stepping out of the way, and seeing her there on the ground. Cullen holding her head so carefully, a healer working hard. His mark flared and sparked. It was fading, why was it fading? He felt it then, the cord between them snap, and he had felt his heart go numb. Her armor was beautiful, what could only be dragon bone and Volcanic Aurum armor with details of dragons and...wolves? He was momentairly distracted as he walked to the pair. He scanned her form and saw the swords lain beside her. One, hers, matched her armor with the details. But the other was a simple blade he had given his men, and it was bloody. She had been stabbed from behind, into her side and through her armor. Solas could recall Cullen's reaction, anger and tears, he had loved his inquisitor. And now she lay dead at his hand. He recalled Lelianna holding Cullen back as Solas picked her up and carried her inside. Her body that once held warmth, safety and hope now lay cold against him.

No tears. No emotions of any kind came from him. He set her down on her bed and heard voices below. Josephine was turning people away, and he wondered idly what they thought of him as he got some water and warmed it up. There was no need, but he did so anyway. And then he had taken apart her armor and cleaned her, slowly and delicately, like she was merely sleeping.
Solas glanced back at her sleeping form now and slipped pants on. She would never know the magic he used to shift Skyhold into a resting place for her, or the magic he used to preserve her body and make that dress. He would never tell her how he visited her every morning and night because his dreams within the fade were always of her. He had known the spirits took her form, but he had let them try and heal his pain. It wasn't his fault, her death wasn't to be lain at his feet, nor had she chosen to leave him. So he should have been less messed up over it. But in a world with faded colours, sounds and lives without magic, she had brought passion and love. Solas remembered that she was not the usual elf and had secrets like the rest of them.

He put a shirt on and walked downstairs, when he entered the main hall, everyone was celebrating. He watched Varric tell stories of how Evelyn had faced a high dragon almost single handly. He smiled faintly and walked passed, Dorian was toasting with the bull as usual and even Lelianna was happy with Josephine. What one person could do, he came to an abrupt stop as Cullen stepped in his way. Cullen's burning eyes and anger was met with quiet disdain from his side.
"Yes, Commander?" Solas asked, the man was insufferable and seemed to have a high dislike for Solas.
"Where is she?" He demanded, how confusing must it be to have a woman close to you but not want you, Solas wondered this as he narrowed his eyes slightly.
"Why?" Solas asked, and the happy chatter almost died instantly as they realized what was happening.
"I need to see her." Cullen replied sharply, he moved to go around him but Solas stopped that. So this human believed that Evelyn was his? Not Solas's heart? He could easily hurt him, make him beg or worse, but Evelyn would be unhappy with that.
"She is sleeping. Leave her be." Solas said coldly, his eyes burning with untold magic. Cullen glared back and didn't seem to get the hint. He went to move again, but this time Varric stopped him. Much to Solas' surprise.
"Curly, she's been through a lot. If she wanted anyone with her, she would have asked." The dwarf said and made Cullen go the other way for him. Solas looked at Varric slowly, like it was only a matter of time before the questions started.

"You see better, chuckles." Varric said and turned to the elf, it was almost sad really, and Solas wanted to be honest, but they were not alone like usual.
"I am, Master Tetras." he replied, glancing at the spymaster before looking back, "Mainly due to recent events." He added, with a small sad smile.
"It's good to see you out and about." Varric mused and motioned for him to follow, and so they both left the main hall together. Out into the courtyard that was still being rebuilt. Would she wake soon? Without him there. He hoped so, the idea of her missing him as much as he did, was pleasing and something about being there again was relaxing. But as they reached the stairway past the tavern, the sky seemed to crack and Solas frowned more as he looked at the green streaks.
"That's not you, is it?" Varric asked and he knew something was wrong and it was nice to see Varric not afraid to speak his mind.
"No. I do not know what that is." He said and walked slowly to the edge of the wall, the scarred sky was moving and it looked almost like it was cracking under a weight. "Whatever it is, it's not good, master dwarf." He said with a frown. It was true though. It was not good.

Solas looked back at Skyhold and up to the balcony, just in time to see Evelyn spot him and wave. He smiled back and nodded, she had woken after all.
"Do you think it is because she is back?" Varric asked, bringing the god out of his thoughts.
"Perhaps, I do not know of a magic that can stop death or even rewind time. But it is her, that much I know." he said slowly and looked back at Varric. Little did they know, the same power that brought Evelyn back was also trying to stop the already damaged veil from collapsing completely. Time wasn't on their side after all.

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