Battle For Skyhold

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Time had little to do with her fate within Thedas, but it had gifted her small moments. Kisses in the fade, whispers in the library. Things that now haunted her dreams. During the year they were together, he had never touched her more than was needed, he would always escape before she could push for more. Excuses she now realized were lies to hold off attachment. He had needed time, he had needed to think before they became a thing, and she had willingly given it him. How was she to know their time was limited and Solas had never planned to stay?

It was here, deep in the crossroads, when she saw him once more. He had turned a female Qunari into stone without muttering a spell of any kind, and that terrified her. Evelyn knew the truth was now far more dangerous then either thought. He knew not of her birthright nor her true skill and she knew not of his. They had loved each other from a lie and as she felt the pain of the anchor burn, she knew he felt it too. He had explained some details, silly notes on what had happened between them, he was the rebel god and she was a mere child in his presence. Did he think so little of her? A mere blink in his long life. And how had that hurt? Evelyn could feel the broken shards of what remained of her heart break even more. What they had was real. Had. Did he no longer see her as a reliable friend? A possible lover? Was he aiming to burn all emotional bridges with her so he could face his path alone....Evelyn wouldn't allow him to. Not now, not ever.

The mark flared and Evelyn knew he would realize that it wasn't killing her and that brought his attention back to who, or what, she really was. How long had she wanted to tell him? And how many times had she stopped herself? To tell him simply that she was already from another world and that she loved him none the less was almost as bad as facing the high dragon in the hissing wastes. She had gone too, in that moment of blinding pain. But her voice died in her throat and she merely accepted that they would never fix this.
"You are no mere Elven though, are you Vhenan?" he had asked so clearly with each step closer, she had scrambled to move back and found herself fearing what would come of this confrontation. He did not stop and with each step he took, he brought himself closer to the truth more then she would have liked. What had she said in return?
"We have both been keeping secrets." she could remember that she had spoken with such sadness, the ache in her hand nothing compared to the one in her heart.

"Indeed, though the question why you would hide at all, is more important." he was stood in front of her, a mere breath away, and he still didn't let her touch him. How painful had her life been until that moment? How lonely was she really, he had shown her a world beyond her initial imagination and he had taken away so much more. The colours and sounds were dim and he had done that so easily. She could recall the look of hurt in his eyes as she reached for him, and the look of a broken heart as he retreated back through his eluvian without so much of a goodbye. She could still feel the sobs that wrecked her as she knew that this was only the beginning.

Evelyn had then told the council that the inquisition would remain for all those that still needed it, that she would not give back the castles she had won off the bandits and mages who had tortured so many more. However, her army would disperse. Part of it would go to protecting the new Divine, part would go to Fereldan to keep the king and queen safe. And a part would remain in Skyhold. Cullen had voted to stay too, for reasons she did not know. Leliana stayed too, with her spy network dispersing as well. Only a few loyal ones remained. Josephine remained as well, running her new family empire from her desk in Skyhold, others went back to their lives. Leaving only Iron bull, Cole, Sara and Evelyn as the inner circle.

Evelyn remembered the days that followed the council, whispers of war and the old elven gods returning to claim their land and people back. Those rumors would only grow as more and more servants, alienages and dalish began to disappear from the world. Where they were going was anyone's guess, but, Evelyn knew that Solas was not to be forgotten. His plan was surely worse than anything Corphyus could ever think up. He had a way to return what was once lost, but the price? Was it worth it?
Evelyn did not agree and she had spent her days running what was left of her forces and making sure Solas did not forget her so easily either. Had he expected an easy battle from her? For her to lie down and accept that the world wasn't hers to fight for anymore? She thought back to Skyrim, how it had not wanted to be saved but she had done so anyway.

And when their two forces finally collided head first on the very grounds of Skyhold, Evelyn knew that this was either the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning. Either one was dangerous and no matter what became of it, she would fight like the dragon she was born to be. The dragon and a wolf, fighting over dominance of the world and neither knew if the other had thought this through...

The battle had been brutal, she could remember that, he had elves and spirits and help where as she had the most loyal of her people defending. Why he had wanted Skyhold and why he had not asked was a question Evelyn didn't want answering and as she took up her sword. She guessed that she probably never would. She couldn't remember what had finally got her in the end. Was it an arrow? A spirits poison? A sword blow? Or even magic? All the woman did know was that the sky looked pretty and the floor was cold.

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