「Erza Scarlet」

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"I try not to miss you, I try to let go, But in the end, your always the person I miss..."
-Erza Scarlet
"I was once a weak, I was always afriad, I hidden my Tears, But I kept on going, I kept on believing.
I followed my Heart, I found my courage, And I realised that If I hadn't believe in my self, I wouldn't have become the person I am today"
-Erza Scarlet
"As long as you laugh at people's suffering...
Your goal will always be "Out of reach".
If you never want to be defeated, You must first learn your own weakness and always be kind"
-Erza Scarlet
"I will fight for my friends than watching them get hurt,
I will fight for those I love"
-Erza Scarlet
"When you have fallen, Staying down Is how we give up...
But you can also get up, Use your strength to lift yourself up and keep going"
-Erza Scarlet
"Feeling can be controlled, But tears never lie"
-Erza Scarlet
"Thats the thing about pain...
It demands to be felt"
-Erza Scarlet
"Hurt me with the truth but... Never comfort me with a lie"
-Erza Scarlet
"We have the strength to overcome the weakness and fears...
Thats If means to be alive..."
-Erza Scarlet
"I know It hurt you, It hurt me too.
But all I know Is that I miss you"
-Erza Scarlet
"All I need Is the power to be able to protect my Comrades...
So long as I can have the strength to do that.
I don't care If I'm weaker than everyone In the world"
-Erza Scarlet
"What life changes to be harder, Change yourself to be stronger"
-Erza Scarlet
"Sometimes I still wonder why things happend the way they did"
-Erza Scarlet
"We will never give up...
Because we are always connected through hope"
-Erza Scarlet
"People get stronger when they have someone to protect"
-Erza Scarlet

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