The crowd went wild, cheering and clapping when four dark shadows emerged on stage. The lights went up and they started playing a song I wasn’t familiar with but it seems everyone else in the room was. John stood on the right side of the stage, with Paul and George to his left and Ringo in the back, his head bobbling away to the beat of his drums. The atmosphere was amazing! But what made it better was the fact that I, Millie Sanders lived next door to these guys! Any girl in this room would give her soul to even get in breathing distance of anyone of them!

John would occasionally look over at me and grin wildly making me laugh or wink cheekily making me swoon and go totally fan-girly! Paul starred too, making me feel slightly on edge. What was it about him looking at me like that? I tried hard to ignore it like I had earlier on, but it was getting harder. I’m sure everyone else noticed it too.

“Sadly, this will be our last song for tonight” Paul told the crowd. They began playing when John suddenly interrupted them.

“Wait, I want to dedicate this to a special girl” John looked straight at me, my cheeks flared red. “You know who you are” he chuckled. Paul glared at him, jealously. Probably pissed off with himself for not thinking of the idea to dedicate a song to me. Once again they started playing their last song. Every girl in the pub convinced themselves John had dedicated this song to them. But they were wrong, he dedicated it to me. The more I thought about him, the quicker my heart would beat. I tried to listen carefully to the lyrics but it was too hard to hear over the wild crowd. Whatever it was anyway, I loved it and was flattered about what John did. When the gig was over the whole crowd, including me, were on their feet cheering and clapping for The Beatles. The four of them thanked the audience and all stood side by side and took a bow. “This was crazy” I thought to myself. I really had no idea how big these really were and how talented they really were either. And to think I was complaining about them the very night before!


The pub began slowly emptying. John stepped out between the stage curtains and beckoned me over with the wave of his hand. I quickly leapt down off my stool, stumbling a little when my feet hit the ground. I had a good bit to drink while watching the boys play and was feeling rather tipsy. He took my hand and once again led me through the small room and to the side door exit.

“There’s a taxi waiting just across the street” He pointed in the taxi’s direction. “But we’re going to have to run again ok?” I nodded giggling; the drink had seriously gone to my head. I felt as if I was floating. George, Ringo and Paul appeared from nowhere and stood behind us, also ready to run.

“Hi guys” I giggled furiously, waving at them.

“She’s pissed” John told them, laughing.

 John gripped my hand tightly as the five of us ran across the street and jumped into the awaiting taxi. It was pretty squashed considering the band’s instruments and such was also packed into the car. As we slowly drove off, some girls noticed and began to chase the car, screaming excitedly hoping to catch another glimpse of their new idols.

“This is madness!” laughed Paul hysterically. The four of them waved out the window to the girls. We picked up speed and zoomed of down the road, losing the adoring fans on the way.

When we reached home, they unpacked the car, making several trips up and down the elevator with all their instruments and equipment. John and I were the last to go up as we paid the taxi driver.

“So” John whispered to me. “What did you think?”

“You guys were amazing!” I hiccupped. As we headed up to our floor in the elevator there was an awkward silence. We both drew breath at the same time to speak.

“You go first” laughed John.

“I just wanted to thank you for inviting me tonight. I really enjoyed myself.”

“It’s no problem really love” replied John putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me in for a hug. My head was muffled in the collar of his large duffle coat, I breathed in; he smelt gorgeous. He pulled away as the elevator doors opened and we stepped out and headed for our apartments.

We when arrived, John stood awkwardly outside my door. My head spun, I really needed to lie down. “You looked beautiful tonight, by the way” said John, cocking his head to one side. I giggled pushing him away playfully.

“Well good night Millie” John smiled and began to turn away, leaving me standing outside my apartment alone.

“Hang on!” I called out to him. What was I doing? I was so pissed. John turned around. I took his hand in mine. We both knew what was going to happen next. He stepped closer to me and I gazed up into his deep brown eyes. John was much, much taller than me. He leaned his head down towards mine and I stretched up on tip toes, our lips meeting in the middle. My stomach flipped. His lips pressed gently on mine as he wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me closer. My hands ran through the back of his hair, twisting his curls around my fingers. The kiss only lasted a few seconds, before I pulled away, smiling. It was perfect.

“Good night John” I whispered before letting myself into my apartment, leaving him standing alone in the corridor.


I awoke the next morning with a pounding head. I squinted in the light, turning over and burying my head in the pillow. I literally had to drag myself out of bed. I showered and washed my hair. I felt a million times better after that; and once again headed out to the balcony with my tea. When I seen John wasn’t out on his balcony, my heart sank a little; I was looking forward to seeing him again but was very unsure if the feeling was mutual. What would he think of last night? Had he enjoyed the kiss as much as I did? Was I just another bird to him? I felt sick thinking about it.

Suddenly Paul stepped from the sliding door of his apartment, out onto his balcony. His light brown hair stuck up all over the place. He stretched and yawned before turning and noticing me.

“Morning Mille, you’re looking lovely as usual” he beamed sleepily at me. “How was last night?” he asked.

My heart skipped a beat. Had John already told everyone about the kiss? I fidgeted nervously.

“The gig?!” said Paul looking confused.

“Oh!” I breathed a sigh of relief. “Great, you were fantastic” I meant every word.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it” replied Paul winking, seeming satisfied. He lowered his voice and checked over his shoulder before whispering… “Millie, there’s something I think you should know about John”.

A lump rose in my throat. “Go on” I said nervously.

“I think, well we all think, that he’s really into you, he likes you a lot you know. I’ve never seen him like this with any other bird before! I know its early days but I think he might actually love you.” Paul said, scratching his head.

My jaw dropped. Was Paul serious? I hardly knew John five minutes and now he was telling me this?!

“That’s crazy!” I replied. Paul nodded, agreeing.

“He’s right though” said Paul shrugging his shoulders. “You’re very beautiful and, and, and, um he’d be very lucky to have you.” He continued nervously, blushing.

I suddenly felt very embarrassed. I realized that maybe; just maybe, Paul might have a crush on me, all the staring and glaring at John jealously last night and now this. I panicked slightly, feeling sorry for Paul. I seen him as nothing more as a friend, or did I? NO! I liked John. But Paul’s eyes, I could see them sparkly from a distance, his cheeky smile, he was romantic and sweet. No, I protested silently to myself. I like John. I mean I really like John. I breathed deeply, trying to calm myself.

 I laughed off what Paul had said before telling him I’d see him later. I waved as I headed back in doors. “Right” I thought to myself. “I don’t believe what Paul said about John loving me; I never would, not until I heard it from John’s own lips”.

I couldn’t think straight that whole day, thinking about what Paul said about John loving me?! I mean come on that’s crazy. But I longed for it to be true. The more I thought about John the more I thought I loved him. His deep brown eyes, the way he flipped his bangs off his face, his sense of humor, his laugh, his lips, his kiss. Everything. Simply Him. 

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