Attempting the Plan

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"Mal, please." Jay pleaded while sitting on the bed. Mal was in the bathroom brushing her freshly washed hair. "Jay, I understand your need and want, but we can't do it while so many people are here." Mal said. "Please?" Jay whined. Mal set down her hairbrush and walked out of the bathroom. Jay looked up at her, silently whining with his eyes. Mal walked up to him, and she pushed him on his back before kissing him. Jay smiled as he put his hands on Mal's waist to keep her close to him as he kissed her back. Mal wound her hands into Jay's hair.

A knock on the door, interrupted them, and Jay groaned as Mal sat up. "So close." Jay said. Mal laughed and said, "Are you trying to grow your long hair back again? It's getting longer." Mal said running her hand though his hair. "If it turns you on more, hell yeah." Jay said before Mal laughed again. She stood up and went over to the door. She opened it to reveal Evie and Carlos. "Hey Mal, sorry to bother you, were we interrupting something?" Evie asked and Jay called, "I WAS SO CLOSE!" Mal rolled her eyes and turned back to Carlos and Evie. "Is there something you...needed?" Mal asked. "We were just wondering if you had any toys stashed anywhere. Alessia keeps fussing, and she won't be quiet." Carlos said.

"Didn't you two bring anything from Auradon? If you would've asked Ben, I'm sure he would've hooked you up with something." Mal said gently. "Are there any stores in town that sell toys? We could borrow Jay's truck or something and go get some." "You aren't touching Jay's truck. Or mine for that matter. Or anyone else's truck." Mal said shaking her head. "Could we use magic or something to make some?" Evie asked, and Mal sighed. "For the last time, this isn't Auradon. We don't use magic here." She said before saying, "Goodnight." And shutting the door in their faces. "Great plan Evie. That won't fool them!" Carlos said on their way back to their room.

Mal went back over to Jay and he pulled her down to meet her lips again. It was as if people like interrupting Mal and Jay as the door was knocked on again. Jay groaned extra long this time as Mal answered the door again. Mal pulled the door open again, and it was Jackson and Elena. "Hey guys." Mal said. "Hey M!" Elena said. "There's something we need to tell you and Jay." Jackson said and Mal let them into her bedroom. "When is it all going to end?" Jay said whining. Elena and Jackson looked at Mal for an explanation. "Don't pay attention to him. He's just sad over something." Mal said and sat down next to Jay on her bed. "So, what's the tea?" Mal asked. "I'm pregnant." Elena said and Mal legitally knocked Jay off the bed. "Hey!" Jay protested as he got knocked off the bed. "Sorry." Mal said and helped Jay get back on the bed.

"Did you say, you are pregnant?" Mal asked. Elena nodded and Mal scrambled to her best friend and gave her a bone crushing hug. "OMG! I can't believe it! I'm going to be an aunt!" Mal shrieked and hugged her best friend. "Shh! M! We haven't told Dad yet!" Jackson hissed. "Sorry Jackie! I'm so excited!!!!" Mal said as she hugged her brother and her best friend at the same time. "Does this mean you're getting married?" Jay asked and Elena nodded. Jay smiled and he fist bumped Jackson. "Way to go man! A kid and a girl at the same time!" Jay exclaimed. Mal glared at Jay and he shrugged. "When are you going to tell Dad?" Mal asked Jackson. "Tomorrow. He's already asleep." Jackson said and Elena hugged Mal once more before she left with Jackson. "Are there any more interruptions?" Jay asked in the hallway. "Good." Jay said shutting the door and shutting the lights off. He crossed back to Mal, and the rest of the night, as they say, is history.

The next morning, Mal and Jay awoke to having a 5 year old jumping on their bed. "What the?" Jay asked. Carlos came into the room, and Mal pulled the covers over herself completely. Jay sat up looked at Carlos. Carlos picked up his daughter and he realized that Jay was shirtless. "What is your daughter doing in here Carlos?" Jay asked with anger. "What are you doing shirtless?" "Why not?" Jay asked. "Get. Out. Of. This. Bedroom!" Mal hissed at Carlos and Jay stroked her hair as her head came out from under the thick blankets. Carlos's eyes widened, as he realized what had happened. Jay smirked at Carlos and decided to pick a little fun with him. "Yeah. Just like what you and Evie did 5 years ago, except we were doing it out of pure love." Jay said. Mal groaned and Jay loved seeing Carlos squirm. Carlos walked out of the room as quick as he could and shut the door behind him. "That should teach him not to let his daughter in here in the morning." Jay said laughing. Mal smiled up at him and he kissed her forehead before going into the bathroom to take a shower. Mal waited until her turn, and Jay full on kissed her as she passed into the bathroom.

Jay made the bed and sat on it, waiting for Mal. Evie burst into the room, and glared at Jay. "What the hell Jay!" "What the hell what?" Jay asked. "Why would you sleep with Mal!" "Because I love her, and its not to get back at you. Mal was getting stressed out with you and what's his face here." "Eww." Evie said wrinkling her nose. "And its okay when you did it?" Jay asked. Evie didn't respond and Jay asked her to leave his room. Evie reluctantly did and as she left, she saw Mal come out of the bathroom, sitting on Jay's knee, and kissed him, and it shattered her heart to see her best friend and hopefully boyfriend kissing with so much passion. The same amount of passion that she and Jay once had. It made Evie so sad to think about it, that she just went back in her room to hide from everything.

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