Chapter 25

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It's been two weeks since our attack on heaven.

For two weeks she's been a coma, her body refusing to wake up. It was sort of sick how use I was to her sleeping for days on end, considering she had a sort of habit for landing herself in trouble and knocking herself out. Except this had to be the longest.

I sat on the edge of my bed, looking at her sleeping form. Her light olive skin used to glow with energy and life but now she looked pale and deathly. If it weren't for her soft heartbeat and light breathing I would have thought she were dead.

Her arms rested either side of her, dark brown hair splayed around her head, lips parted slightly as she slept. I grasped her cold hand tightly in mine. Since the incident she'd been cold, her skin like ice, as if the warmth and heat of her body had been drained from her. Her mouth-watering scent of grapefruits and pomegranates had faded significantly but still lingered on her skin.

It was strange, even before we officially met she smelt of something unearthly, and I couldn't put my finger on it until she had bitten into the fruit that bound her to this place. Maybe it was a sign that this was where she belonged. No fruit was like the fruit of the underworld after all.

"Mea cara, I wish you'd wake. I know I tell you every day that I want to see you wake up and join me in the real world, but I understand why you might not want to. I know how horrible I treated you when we first met, and I won't blame it all on the bloodlust. As psychotic as it sounds, I wanted to see if I could break and bend you to my will. I wanted to know what you were made of. I won't deny that bringing you pain gave me pleasure because it's who I am. I'm sorry." I whispered quietly to her, wondering if the beauty before me could even hear a word of what I said.

"That's a pretty shit apology and at this rate apologising isn't going to cut it." Interrupted a voice that was beginning to irritate me to no end.

"Caspian." I glared looking at the boy who stepped inside the room silently and sat down on the other side of Ella.

"You've done so much more than just physically abuse her, you've hurt her emotionally as well. You can't shred a piece of paper, apologise to it and expect all the pieces to go back to the way they were. If you're really sorry, you'll get off your damn ass and do something for her, so when she wakes up, she'll know you mean it. That you care." He chastised glaring at me.

Hell I hated how he was right.

"Fine. What do you expect me to do? Rip off a unicorn's horn and present it to her?" I growled before quieting down when I realised how loud I was being.

"She'd probably shank you with it if she found out you killed a unicorn." He snorted and it took all of my willpower not to strangle the idiotic boy.

"What do you suggest I do then wizard?" I mocked but my words had no effect on him in the slightest.

"Would you say, you love her?" he asked seriously, and I looked right back into his eyes with a nod.

"More than anything."

"Well then, when she wakes up you should take her out. Take her somewhere nice and show her through that how sorry you are. You think you can manage that?" he asked, and I nodded, maybe the mortal was useful.

"I think I can and that's if she ever wakes up. I may need your advice on how to proceed with this, since you have talked and been with her longer than I." I said nodding thoughtfully.

"Alright let's go discuss this outside. You haven't left this room for almost two weeks, you need a break and a distraction. She'll wake up, she's a fighter and she's not leaving us yet. Now come on." He said urging me to move when he noticed how reluctant I was to leave.

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