Chapter 17

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"Where have you been?" He asked so incredibly calm that I felt a shiver run down my spine. He stood like a god in the middle of wreckage and carnage. The room was a disaster and he was the only one untouched. Not a single hair was out of place, only anger burned in his dark brown eyes.

The atmosphere of the room was growing intensively thick as I tried to take what little control I could of the situation. It felt like I was trapped in a room with a lion, I a gazelle.

Walking through the palace was pretty much the same. Everything was completely trashed and thrown about, the walls had numerous holes in them and lots of objects had been singed. The fallen were nowhere to be seen, probably avoiding Lucifer for his tantrum. The only thing to be heard once I stepped through the doors was the sound of silence.

It was as if the palace was completely empty of all. Except one.

"I've been...around." I swallowed thickly, trying to remain calm and not give into the fear I felt around him.

Lucifer's serious, livid, gaze melted away all of a sudden and it was replaced by a lazy smirk I knew all too well.

"Mea cara, how much I've missed you." He whispered eyes trailing me as he closed in. I involuntarily took a step back, my body recognising danger but if anything, it only seemed to encourage Lucifer more.

"I know your mad." I said softly when we were toe to toe, his lips almost brushing mine.

"Oh mea cara..." whispered Lucifer, his lips brushing the shell of my ear. "You have no idea." He growled pinning me to the wall by my throat.

My heart rate spiked, self-preservation demanding me to fight and kick him off, but what stopped me was the power that radiated off of him. His grip around my throat was firm, dominating but in no way did it hurt. He wasn't trying to hurt me, just prove a point, and warn me.

"You leave me like this again and I will not hesitate to slaughter a city of innocents. Maybe even your hometown perhaps?" He smiled, and I felt myself panic. I couldn't let him.

"Stay away from them." I hissed, my limbs able to move at the threat towards the people I had grown up around.

His finger trailed down my cheek, brushing a strand of hair out of my face.

"I've warned you so many times. It seems you just don't believe me do you mea cara?" he wondered slyly. "Maybe a demonstration is in order?"

I shook my head desperately and he laughed. Danger seemed to ooze out of his pores making me want to run to the hills.

"Follow me, I have something to show you." My stomach dropped as soon as those words left his lips. Nothing good ever came with that sentence.

Slowly he placed his warm lips against my forehead and released my neck from his grip. Taking my hand in his much larger one, he dragged me through the chaos of the room and led me down to the dungeons once again.

Each step through the dungeon made me deflate like a balloon. There were more angels here. Lucifer must've been busy while I was gone.

He released the ones that were here before, but we didn't make a deal that said he couldn't capture more.

He led me to the very end, where no light could touch the prison cells. These cells were completely submerged in darkness, and as we ventured further a steel door that I hadn't recognize in all the times I'd been down here, came to view.

Strange symbols were engraved into the door, like magic infused with steel. The door swung open as soon as Lucifer's palm met the door and the metallic smell of blood tainted the air.

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