Chapter 2

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I felt the bed dip softly and my eyes flew open. Why the hell couldn't they leave me the fuck alone? A few hours, just one night without something trying to kill me would be a blessing. I clutched the knife under my pillow tightly, the handle providing me comfort.

Feigning sleep, I waited until I found the perfect moment to strike. Warm fingers trailed up my thighs and I had to fight off the urge to shiver. When they rose too high for my liking, I kicked out nailing the creature in the face. Sitting up on my bed, my knife was raised, eyes locked on the succubus lying on the carpet.

She licked the side of her mouth where blood trickled from her lip and gave me a sultry smile. To put it simply, they were the sluts of the underworld. They lured mortals in with their looks and false promises before feeding on their soul through a kiss. Fatally romantic hey?

"Get out demon. Before I put you out of your misery." I threatened sliding off my bed. She hissed playfully followed by a pout.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Maybe I can fix that." She purred her eyes glowing with murderous intent.

"Your smiles and looks don't fool me." I spat before throwing the knife aiming straight for her head. It impaled her right between the eyes and she looked horrified before turning to mist. I hoped it rained long and hard in hell.

Scowling I picked up the blade and wiped it with a cloth before checking the clock on the side table. I groaned when I realised it was four in the morning and slammed my head against the thin walls. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and groggily brushed my hair back out of my face.

Holy shit I was tired.

I dragged myself over to the table tying my hair into a bun and exhaustedly stripped out of my pyjamas into a navy singlet pairing it with black ripped jeans. I couldn't be bothered showering so I didn't, and instead I decided to grab my knives and place them on my being.

Tying up my boots I slipped a knife into the side and did the laces nice and tight. I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep now so I may as well get ready, grab breakfast and find a way to destroy the flame. I might have to invest in a medallion that warded off night demons so I could sleep easy and rid the nightmares.

Snatching up my satchel I made sure father's feather was in there before checking I had my other items and necessities. I brought out a little gold cross and placed it on the outside of my bedroom door, hanging it on the door knob. I did the same to the entrance of my hotel room and nodded in satisfaction.

Slipping on my huge black jacket to hide my wings I exited my room.

Making my way down to the lobby I tapped my foot against the floor impatiently, the ride down seemed much longer than the ride up. Quietly I stepped foot outside the elevator and headed for the glass doors ahead.

My stomach rumbled and I frowned. I hadn't had a proper meal for a while now. I knew at this hour no cafés would be open until six or five if I'm lucky. So for now, I'd see if I could get in touch with an old friend.

As I wandered the streets, I zipped up my jacket since it was actually quite cold, my eyes searched for a sign that I was all too familiar with. When I was about to call it quits and give up, to go grab a coffee and maybe some pancakes, I finally saw it.

The small sign flickered above the store, the illuminated words 'Little Angel' seemed to leap off it. I grinned before jogging over and rapped my knuckles on the glass door. Looking through the display window, I saw a giant star gazer, telescopes and a fake solar system.

I knew he was awake since through the door I could see a little light on in the back room.

"Caspian, it's Ella open the door!" I shouted and heard a loud resounding click as the door easily opened.

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