Chapter 5

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Two days had passed since I'd last seen Lucifer.

The first day, I lay around contemplating my existence and wondered if I should try killing myself and make it all go away. The second day consisted mostly of me wanting to bash my head against the bars to stop the fucking screaming, the heat was not helping my mood either.

It was hard to keep track of time down here, there was no sky, or sun or clock. Just an extremely large cave that had fires burning constantly and people screaming constantly. The only way I knew what day and what time, was by estimating. Every morning I woke up at six am sharp. It was drilled into me and made up my internal clock, so when I jolted awake each time, I had a feeling it would be around six.

Lucifer would visit soon, I could feel it. He would want my decision soon and I still hadn't made a choice. I also wanted to go over the terms of the contract with him and change a few things.

I did try escaping, trying to slip through the bars, but that didn't work and I almost got my head stuck. This cage was impossible to break at my weakened state. I think my stomach was starting to eat itself from not having food.

My lips were cracked and my stomach growled loudly as I lay in the middle of the cage, staring at the golden ceiling.

"Help me..." whispered a frantic airy voice. My head snapped to the side to see a soul. Unlike the other souls down here, she seemed innocent, pure even. I sat up my eyebrows furrowed wondering what the hell she was doing down here.

"What are you doing down here?" I asked inching closer to the bars where she floated.

"I don't know. I was celebrating my sister's birthday when I was ripped from my body." She whimpered before looking into my eyes pleadingly.

"Please help me. Something was chasing me before I don't know what it was please-"

"If you can get me out of here, I'll take you to where your supposed to be." I assured trying to ease her worries.

Instincts told me her soul was reaped before her time and a demon had stolen it.

"How do I get you out?" she asked determinedly and I got to my feet, wincing when I tried to move my wings. Her dainty hands flew to her lips as she gasped.

"You're hurt."

I brushed off her observation and walked closer.

"I'm fine. If you can-"

"Wait. How do I know you're not one of them?" she asked backing away in fear.

"Look at my wings. If I were one of them they'd be black. I'm an angel, I can help you if you get me out." I lied a little. I was only half angel but she didn't need to know that.

"How?" she asked drifting closer, her transparent form brushing against the bars of the cage. My brain wracked itself trying to think of something when it struck me. I wanted to slap myself in the face for not thinking of it earlier. God I was pathetic.

Knowing my time was running out, I knew I'd have to act fast. My hand slipped into my boot, my fingers brushing the little pouch on the inside. I took off my shoe and pushed from the bottom so the thin needle would emerge out the top. It was honestly like coaxing a splinter out.

The needle was quite thin and if I didn't do it properly or rushed it, it could get caught in the fabric of the shoe and it'd be all over. When I saw the thin metal I pinched it with my fingers sliding it out. I forgot I even had this in my shoe. I remember putting it in there months ago, but I forgot all about it since when I wore shoes, it was so thin I couldn't even feel it.

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