Chapter 3

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"Hello daughter of the traitor, that I wish I could have killed myself. And of course, ex-lover of said traitor's daughter." He smirked eyes flashing amber, his set of perfect white teeth on display.

"I'd introduce myself but I have the feeling that you already know who I am." He said walking over and picking something up on the counter beside him.

Cas quickly shoved me behind him grabbing a fistful of gold power out of a jar. He threw the powder onto the ground and casted,

"Et sanctum nomen in bono hinc eieci te."

I watched as Lucifer hunched over, dropping the book in his hand and gritting his teeth in pain. Lucifer's flaring amber eyes were fixed on Cas. I reached out clutching Caspian's arm wondering how he was powerful enough to keep the devil at bay.

I frowned watching in horror as Lucifer's muscles tensed before he straightened a sly expression on his face. Caspian's face paled and he blanched as the devil approached us.

"Oh you didn't think it'd be that easy did you? You need to understand something magician..." trailed Lucifer looking around the room disinterestedly.

"God, angels, saints all those holy objects or people whatever...hold no power over me. Because you see silly mortal." He paused looking Caspian right in the eye.

"The light cannot control the darkness. The light can't exist without the dark." He smirked. I shoved a frozen Caspian out of the way and faced the demon head on.

He may have been taller than me but I didn't let his height intimidate me in the slightest. My eyes narrowed to slits.

"Leave him alone." I demanded and his eyes fell on me. He eyed me with an emotion I couldn't read it scared me.

"Thief. It seems you have something that belongs to me." He growled and I instinctively stepped back, my hand going to where the flame rested around my neck.

"It may belong to you, but I'll be damned before I let you have it." I crossed my arms, one of my hands snaking down to grab a knife out of my waistband.

"That can be arranged." He replied simply advancing.

Before I could react, Caspian the idiot, tried to tackle Lucifer only to be deflected by a force field of shadows. He groaned rubbing his chest as I stripped of my jacket revealing my wings and stood protectively in front of him. My wings gave off a faint glow and I stretched them before allowing them to relax.

Lucifer raised an eye brow in question yet I could see the slight confusion burning in his eyes. This time I was the one to smirk.

"What? Never seen a Nephilim with wings before?" I tested and he glared at me before his plump sexy lips curved into a sinister smirk.

He lunged at me so fast I never saw it coming. He shoved me against the wall, knocking potions and bottles from their shelves. I cried out, my wing twisted against the wooden wall, trapped. His arm pressed against my throat cutting off my air supply as his eyes stared hungrily at the flame around my neck.

With my left arm however, I was able to reach the knife in my waistband and I lifted my arm driving it forward with all my strength. What happened next shocked me.

The blade shattered. As soon as it touched his skin it shattered, proving that Lucifer would be much more difficult to kill let alone wound.

"Nice try." He grinned wickedly before slamming my wrist into the wall so hard, that I not only dropped what was left of my knife, but fractured my wrist.

Pain bloomed in my wrist and the bones in my wing felt like it was going to snap. I locked the scream building up inside and swallowed it, refusing to show weakness. His head lowered towards my ear and I could sense his stupid smirk on his face.

"You thought you stood a chance against me. It doesn't matter how strong you think you are mea cara. I will always be stronger than you." He whispered, his soft lips brushing against the shell of my ear. I rasped as he eased the pressure on my throat allowing me to breathe.

His hands went to grasp my necklace and I struggled not wanting everything my father did to be in vain. As his hands clasped themselves around the flame, something strange happened.

Lucifer pulled away from me, hissing in pain and wringing his hands as if burnt. I slumped down the wall, wincing as my wing ached and cradled my fractured wrist to my body. My right wing, that hadn't been injured, curled around me whilst the other hung limp.

I watched him cautiously, and wearily waiting to see what he'd do. He looked at me again. This time really looked at me, looking past everything else and staring deep into my soul. I looked away and he chuckled shaking his head now laughing like a madman.

Suddenly his eyes narrowed on my small frame and he looked at me accusingly.

"It fucking bonded with you. Fucking perfect!" He cursed muttering something else under his breath looking like he wanted to skin me alive.

Caspian tried getting off the ground after recovering from his assault sort of, but Lucifer snapped his fingers and he dropped to the ground limp. His soft breathing assured me he was still alive.

"What are you talking about?" I asked hoarsely rubbing my throat with my good hand. There would be bruises. He glared at me taking another step forward.

"The flame, my flame, bonded with you mea cara. It means that I can't touch it or kill you either since it's linked itself to you now." He growled raking his hands through his thick black hair.

"Why the hell are you smiling?" he demanded crouching to my level. A bubble of laughter threatened to escape but I controlled myself, looking him dead in the eye.

"Because if what you say is true, then you'll never touch or possess the flame again." I snapped defiantly.

I expected him to slap me, or even kill me on the spot, despite what he said but what I didn't expect was for his anger to fade and his expression to turn calm.

"Oh mea cara, I don't know about that. You see, if I can't take the flame from you, then I'll just have to take both you and the flame."

"W-what..." I stuttered and he brushed a strand of hair out of my eyes.

"Looks like you're going to be paying a permanent visit with me to the underworld." I shook my head adrenaline kicking in.

"You'll have to drag me there kicking and screaming." I shouted finding my voice before I kicked out with both my feet, sending him flying across the room and through the wall.

Getting to my feet, I sprinted to the exit, ripping the curtain out of the way and running to the glass door. As my palm made contact with the cool metal, I felt myself being yanked backwards, two strong arms around my waist.

Struggling, I tried to escape his grip but failed miserably. I even tried clawing him with my good arm and my wings flapped trying to escape. He soon had me subdued, and my heart raced with fear.

"Close your eyes or you'll regret it." He whispered coolly and I felt his soft black feathers envelop me.

I didn't listen and continued to struggle, I couldn't let him take me there.

"I warned you."

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