Chapter 10

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I rolled over when I felt something poke my side. Something tickled my nose and my eyes flew open my fist making contact with their face.

Springing out of the bed, the creature groaned and I fell to the floor, my foot caught in the blankets.

When the sleep finally left me, I saw that it was only Raz, he clutched his nose groaning and the red head from before laughed clutching her stomach.

"Holy hell that was fucking hilarious!" she laughed hunching over.

"That was not funny Ari!" shouted Raz clutching his nose. I quickly got to my feet, pulling my leg free from the blanket.

"Sorry Raziel, but don't ever wake me like that again. I thought you were another succubus or night demon."

"Yea no shit." He muttered moving his hands away from his face. His nose was swollen but it was already beginning to go down. I jumped when the girl slapped my shoulder howling with laughter.

"A succubus? He couldn't seduce a plant if he tried!" Her eyes watered with tears before she wiped them away with the back of her hand.

"I like you. You were right Raz, she is fun." She said and I smiled.

"I'm Ariel by the way but call me Ari. Any little mermaid references and I'll have your head on a spike." She joked but I could tell she was serious. I had no doubt she'd follow through with her threat.

"It's great to meet you and everything, but what are you guys doing in my room?" I asked my adrenaline dying down and fatigue hitting me full force.

"Well, Lucifer's out just letting you know so we thought we'd take you out. Have a little fun, cause a little trouble. You get the idea." She smirked her hands on her hips.

I'd rather go find Lilith and grill her for answers but I also needed allies.

"Okay. Let me change."

"Fine we'll wait for you outside." She agreed tugging Raz out the door.

Not knowing what we'd be doing today, I decided to play it safe and pulled on a pair of white ripped jeans with a long sleeved red midriff. My stomach piercing was on for show. The accessory was gold, and in the shape of a dream catcher, a little blue jewel rested in the middle of the dream catcher a little gold feather on the end.

Bunning up my hair into a knot on my head, I slipped on my boots and walked out. The flame around my neck was on display and sure it was dangerous to be showing it off but that didn't matter too much now.

Lucifer and I had made a deal.

Opening the door to my room I saw the two trouble makers in the hallway. Ari sat on the floor her back against the wall bored while Raz looked like he was messing around with a painting.

Their eyes lit up when they saw me.

"About time." Teased Raz and shrugged.

"You look good though." Complimented Ari and I grinned. What surprised me though was that she didn't ask about the flame around my neck. Instead they zoned in on the piercing on my stomach.

"That looks so fucking sexy! I'm definitely getting one now." She gushed and Raz rolled his eyes.

"I didn't know you had a tummy piercing." Said Raz scratching the back of his head.

"You didn't ask." I replied and he rolled his eyes with a grin.

"Alright, let's go." She said taking me by the arm before grabbing Raz's arm.

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