Chapter 26

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We use that term loosely,too loosely
Everybody ain't your friend
We use that term loosely, too loosely
Everybody ain't your friend🎶


Today I finally get back on grind🙌🏾. I missed my boutique so so much. I'm so grateful for have my mom and Gina handle everything while I was gone.


Walking in here feels amazing😊😊.

Yasmine:"Boss lady you're back🙌🏾🙌🏾☺️☺️."

Cali:"Yess girl I'm back. How is everything going?"

Yasmine:"It's going really good, your mom and Gina is amazing. They came in here just about everyday to check on everything. The only time I don't like it here is when Ciara is here."


Cali:"What you mean?"

Yazmine:"Like she goes around here like she running everything. The time she doesn't do it is when your mom or Gina is here."

Cali:"I need to talk to her then there only one boss here and that's me."

Yazmine:" I know, I'm trying to just work here and go to college. I love this job, but she was making it irritating🙄. I almost slapped her the other day."

Cali:"Omg why😂?"

Yazmine:"I was on break and doing my sketch drawing for my class. She comes by and start saying my design could be better. Last time I checked she don't know much about fashion."

Lawd Yazmine must had enough because she usually quiet.

Cali:"I'll talk to her."

Yazmine:"I hope so."

Cali:"Alright well I'm going to my office. Do me a favor don't tell her I'm here want to see her in action like you calm."

Yazmine:"Ooh trust me that was the plan😈."

Since now everyone is telling me to watch Ciara. I have to see what everyone is talking about. In time I'm just get caught up on paperwork I missed. I was a lot less then I expected and something doesn't seem right.

Calling Mommy............

Denise:Hey baby.

Cali:Hey Mommy mmm the paperwork on my desk was there more because I only see a little stack.

Denise: Last time I was there you had a whole stack. Check in your desk.

Cali: I'm looking now and I still don't see it. I'm about to call Gina I'll call you back.

Denise: Okay.

Calling Gina........

Gina:Heeeyyyy bitch wassup.

Cali: Hey girl, I'm in my office and I have this stack of papers on my desk put it looks like some are missing.

Gina: Ooh yeah I put your financial papers in your desk.

Cali: I looked and I don't see it.

Gina: It should be in there. Wait I did notice that you don't have a lock on your office door.

Cali: G there always a lock on my door.

Gina: The few times I have been there the door doesn't lock. Your mom even tried it.

Cali:🙄🙄okay mm you want to meet for lunch?

Gina: Yeah girl I'll meet you at 12:30 at our usual spot.

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