Chapter 24

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I know it's been awhile guys. Hope you enjoy!!!!!!!


Few weeks later

It's been few weeks since I have been back and I must say it feels amazing. Jayceon hasn't let me out of his sight. I've been at Jayceon house for almost a month since everything happened. Even though it's sweet he wants to be around, I want get back to grind.


Jayceon:" BABE."

Cali:"Yes Jayceon."


Cali:"Okay, but stop yelling😂."

When I got downstairs and walked in the kitchen I see Jayceon cooking breakfast just wrap in a towel😍😍🤤.

Jayceon:"Good morning beautiful."


Jayceon:"How did you sleep?"

Cali:" Better☺️."

After being kidnaped for a month my sleeping has been horrible. It like every time I close my eyes I just see everything that happened. I'm so grateful that Jayceon and my friends saved me, but when I ask how he found me he just avoids the question. It's like he was a different person and it's like he into something else and he hasn't told me. I'm going try to ask him again.

Jayceon:"Come on let's eat breakfast."

We sit down at the table.

Cali:"This looks amazing babe."

Jayceon:"Thank you."

I'm nervous 😅

Cali:"Mmmm😰 Jayceon can I ask you something?"

Jayceon:"Yeah wassup👀."

Cali:" Mmm what are you into?"

Jayceon:" What you mean?"

😑😑😑 his ass knows what I mean.

Cali:"It's like I saw a different side of you, hell you killed someone right in front me."

Jayceon:" Why you so pressed about this. You been asking me this for weeks🙄."

I know damn well he not getting mad.

Cali:"Jayceon I just want to know. We said there will be no secrets."

Jayceon:" Some shit you just don't need know."

Cali:"Excuse me, come again?"

Jayceon:"Some shit you just don't need to know. What you not grateful?"

Cali:" Seriously, you really think I'm not grateful?"

Jayceon:" I don't know,you asking a little too much for me."

Cali:" Word okay, excuse me."

I got up from the table because he just pissed me off. It's not like I'm going to flip out I just want to the truth🙄🙄.

Jayceon:"You just going to walk away?"

Cali:"Since you want to act like an asshole, yeah."

Jayceon:"Why do you need to know, baby your safe."

Cali:"Yeah and I'm grateful for you in so many ways, but I just want to know the fucking truth. You being an asshole right now is pissing me off."

Jayceon just stared at me with a smirk on his face.

MIND GAME😈☺️💋Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu