Mother's Diary ch~17

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Dedicated to ririfenty256 read her book His Ex Wife.

Bonnie's Pov

The little girl that I save is Nithya's daughter, I feel very guilty, though my brother left to America with Nithya to take care of her baby, we never contact each other, I couldn't blame him, I was so blinded by Saral's lies, I destroyed Nithya life as well as my brother Arjun and Radhika. I could see how angry they are with me, I need to apologize for my mistakes. Bonnie goes toward her brother.

Bonnie: "I know I can't change the past, but still I want to apologize for that horrible mistake, for not listening to you."

Nithika: "Aunty why are you apologizing to daddy, daddy I would have been in an accident, if aunty hadn't stop and took me to the hospital, she wouldn't let me go until I was safe with my family."

Arjun said nothing, how was he to tell his daughter, how Bonnie's mistake destroy Nithya's life. He leaves the room to get coffee. Radhika and Neil also leave.

Bonnie goes towards Nithika holding her son tight afraid of the outcome of telling the truth to Nithika.

Bonnie: "I was the reason your mother got raped."

Nithika was shocked.

Nithika: "You are Bonnie, my dad's sister."

Bonnie: "Yes, I am sorry, I had no idea what kind of pills they were, I thought he was only going to kidnap her, I never imagined it was used for rape. I have been an alcoholic and suicidal, I didn't want to live, I regret everytime for not listening to Bhai and Radhika, I was blinded to his fake love, I believe every word he said. But now I know what true love is, my son's father helped me recover from alcohol, told me to tell my stories to others, I work at the social worker, helping girls recover from rape and to fight for justice. It has been my mission to help the victim. I can't change the past, but all I can do is apologize to you."

Nithika: "I don't hate you, your only human  who  made a mistake in believing in your love for Saral, he is the one to blame, not you."

Bonnie was crying...

Bonnie: "Do you think your father will forgive me."

Nithika: "He will, I will convince him later, but right now I need your help."

Bonnie: " Help, what kind of help do you need."

Nithika: "Someone is planning to kidnap Sam's and Neil uncle's baby, I can't get in the room since I'm a child, I want you to get in the room dressed as a nurse. I will watch over your son. By the way what is his name."

Bonnie: " I named him after my husband Junior Teji short for JT."


Sheila's Pov

I can't believe how easily I got in the room? It won't be to long when my daughter will be born, I will be a good mother to her, I am thinking of settling in Canada, far away from here, I have it all planned, Manya will tamper the surveillance tapes, I will easily take the baby with me, nobody will be wiser.

Couple ours another nurse enters, wait she looks familiar, where did I see her, I just don't remember where, right now my focus is taking the baby with me.

Doctor: "I see the babies head, one more push and your baby girl will be here."

Sam takes all her strength to get her baby out of her womb... The baby girl is out.

Doctor: "Congratulations it's a healthy baby girl, would you like to hold your daughter."

Sam: "Yes."

Sam held her child and held her little finger, she was over joyed, and forgot her problems. The doctor leave and Shelia takes her chance.

Shelia " I will take the baby now."

Sam: "It's to soon, let me hold her a little longer."

Shelia: "You'll have your baby, we just have to do a routine check up."

Bonnie: "Come on nurse, you can let the baby stay a little longer with its mother, routine checkup can be done later, beside I am here with the mother, I will take the baby to get a routine checkup, you can leave."

Sheila: "That's okay, I will stay."

Bonnie: "Didn't you hear what I said leave."

Sheila: "No!"

Sam: "I would like both of you to leave, your disturbing my baby and me."

Bonnie: "You heard her, lets go."

Sheila was angry, she would have to kill the nurse and  Sam to, there was no way she was getting out of the room until she takes the baby with her. She takes her gun out of her pocket.

Sheila: " Hand over the baby to me."

Sam: "Who are you, and what do you want with my baby?"

Sheila takes her disguise off.

Sam: "Nandini!"

Sheila laughs.

Sheila: "I'm not Nandini,  I'm Sheila."

Sam: "You were the one who manipulated my brother to do your dirty job, now your after my baby, I'll not let you have her."

Bonnie: "Don't worry Sam she's not escaping with your baby, the police are at the door, Sheila your going to jail with Manya."

Sheila: "No, I will have to take both of you hostage, I'm not going without the baby."

Bonnie: "You don't deserve to be a mother."

Sheila: "Don't say that, I..I will shoot you."

Bonnie was trying to get close to Sheila to take the gun from her and distract her, that way Sam and the baby can leave.

Bonnie: "Your so called brother brainwashed me in believing that he loved me, because both of you made me spike Nithya's drink."

Sheila: "Ah, now I know who you are, Bonnie, Arjun's sister."

Bonnie: "Yes, because of you my brother hates me, he took it in his hand to rectify the mistake I made by marrying Nithya and raising Nithika as his own, your a disgusting person Sheila, you don't know how to be a mother, your a cold hearted snake, learn from my brother, he knows how to be a father."

Sheila: " Stop saying that."

Sheila got distracted, and that's when Sam and the baby were gone. She started looking for them in the washroom, when she came out Bonnie attacked her, she was trying to take the gun out from her, suddenly Nithika came and the gun went off...

One more Chapter to go, I will be ending this book...If you have not read my new book Broken Marriage A Billionaire Story please check it out, I would like to here your feedback...

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