Mother's Diary Ch 4

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Dedicated to Sathya

Before Saral try to rape her I hit him with a vase, he fell down unconscious, I checked his pulse, he was alive but the girl was not waking up, Radhika tried spilling little bit water but she was not waking up.

Radhika: "Nithya if she doesn't wake up, we will not be able to prove to Bonnie that Saral is not good for him."

Nithya: "What about the video recorder?"

Radhika: "I checked it, it was not on."

Nithya: "We need to take her to the hospital fast, hopefully we can save her."

Radhika: "I checked her purse, her name is Varsha."

Nithya: "Just pray that Varsha comes out alive and save our friend from making a big mistake."

Radhika and Nithya took Varsha to the hospital.

The doctor told them that she was given an ecstasy drug, that cause her a seizure, he said it also can cause death, we were very worried for her, the doctor also said he had to call the police and that we did the right thing to bring her to the hospital.

Few minutes ago a police lady came her name is DCP Sathya.

Sathya: "In your own words, what happen to Varsha, who slip the drug in her drink?"

Nithya: "I saw Saral, he was going to rape her, so I took a vase and hit his head."

Sathya: "Is there proof that Saral slip the pill in her drink."

Radhika: "There was a video camera but it was off, is there going to be a problem for us."

Sathya: "We need Varsha's statement or else it will be your word against his. I will check his house, hopefully I'll fine evidence."

Saral was at the hospital so DCP Sathya went to his house to see if she could fine evidence, and she did, she found the glass with the fingerprint, she took it to the lab.

When the report came, Sathya was shocked.

Sathya went to the hospital to arrest the person who slip the drug in Varsha's drink.

Sathya: "We have the proof."

Nithya: "I am glad that Saral is going to jail for his crime."

Sathya: "I am sorry but Saral is not going to jail, you are."

Nithya: "What do you mean, I didn't slip the drug to Varsha, Saral did."

Sathya: "Your fingerprints were on the glass, which proves you slip the drugs."

Nithya: "Please believe me, I didn't do it."

Sathya: "I'm sorry Nithya but I have to go with the evidence, you are under arrest for trying to kill Varsha, I suggest you hire a good lawyer."

Sathya handcuffs Nithya, Radhika comes to the hospital and gets shocked seeing her friend getting arrested while crying and saying she was innocent.

Radhika was trying to stop Sathya from making the biggest mistake.

Radhika: "DCP Sathya, she didn't do it, I was with her, we both saw what Saral was about to do, just think about it what motive would she have by killing Varsha, when we both want her alive, so that she can save Bonnie from Saral. I don't know how Saral got Nithya's fingerprint but I can say this Saral was one step ahead of us, he knew we were against him, he must of used Nithya's fingerprints."

Sathya: "If that is the case get her a good lawyer, because my hands are tied, all the evidence are against her."

Radhika: "I will get Nithya a good lawyer, and Nithya be strong, I will not give up until you are free."

Nithya: "I trust you Radhika, but I'm so scared."

Radhika gives her a friendship bracelet.

Radhika: "I'm giving you this bracelet, to remind you to stay strong for our friendship, I will set you free."

With that Sathya takes Nithya away.

Sathya POV

I feel like Nithya is very innocent, I hope Radhika gets her out of jail.

Mean while Radhika inform her family and Nithya's mother about what had happen to Varsha and how Nithya was accused of trying to kill her.

Radhika remembered that Bonnie's brother is a lawyer, she never met him but Bonnie always talks about him. So she thought about calling Bonnie.

Radhika: "Hey Bonnie it's me Radhika, I need a favour."

Bonnie: "What kind of favour?"

Radhika: "I need your brother to represent a client, please don't ask me why, because I won't be able to tell you."

Bonnie: "You can come over, and I will introduce you to my brother Arjun Mehra."


Radhika was at Bonnie's house, she didn't know how she was going to tell Bonnie about Saral, so she thought about telling her brother, he would save his sister from Saral.

Bonnie told Radhika to stay here, so that Bonnie could talk to her brother.

Bonnie: "Bhai can I talk to you."

Arjun: "Sure sis, what do you want to talk about."

Bonnie: " It's my friend Radhika, she needs a lawyer to represent a client, she is asking if you can represent her."

Arjun: "Sure I'll represent her, you can bring Radhika to my office."

Bonnie told Radhika that she can go to her brother's office. Radhika went to the office and introduce herself.

Radhika: "Hi my name is Radhika and I hope you will represent my friend Nithya, when I tell you the truth."

Arjun turns his chair around to face Radhika, he was smitten by her beauty, for Radhika it was first time meeting Arjun but for Arjun it was second time seeing Radhika, he remember seeing Radhika at the traffic when there was a baby in the car, crying from the heat wave. Some idiot left the child in the car, the baby was dehydrating, Radhika broke the window to get the baby out, she had saved the baby, later it was found out that the car thief were responsible, they were taken to the police and the baby was with her parents. Arjun had fallen in love with her at first sight, he knew her name is Radhika, but where she lived, he didn't know, he didn't even knew that Bonnie and Radhika are friends, if he went to her college he would have found his lady love.

Radhika: Hello Arjun sir are you listening to me."

Arjun: "Sorry what did you say?"

Radhika: "You need to save your sister from Saral before he destroys her."

That got Arjun's attention, he never liked that Saral, but to here from Radhika that he was going to drug the girl and rape her, he was worried for his sister because she was blindly in live with him, he would need to talk to Bonnie about Saral, just hope she would believe her friends than over Saral.

Radhika: "I don't know how Saral got Nithya's fingerprint but I know she is innocent."

Arjun: "I believe you, and Nithya will be free mark my word. It will be Saral going to jail."

Bonnie: "Why would Saral be going to jail?"

Arjun and Radhika were worried, how will they tell Bonnie the truth and will she believe it...

Precap: Saral's lies and how he got Nithya's fingerprint...

For now I stop here, how do you think Saral got Nithya's fingerprint, I will update it in my next ch.

Please read, vote, and comment, bye for now ta ta...

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