Mother's Diary~Ch 9

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Radhika and Arjun were enjoying there dinner date when suddenly Neil called Radhika.

Neil: "I told you to watch over Nithya and now my sister's life is destroyed, Sheila has finally done the unthinkable."

Radhika was shocked, Neil was right she should have watched her, instead Nithya told her to go on this date with Arjun and that she was a big girl and can take care of herself.

Arjun saw Radhika's expression, she had tears in her eye, something was bugging her, he takes the phone and Neil tells him everything that happen to Nithya. He pays the bill and they leave to the farmhouse where Neil was already there, he had the keys for the farmhouse, he opens the door and goes to the room where Nithya is lying down, Neil was worried Nithya was not waking up, he lifts her up and carry her to his car. At that time Arjun and Radhika come.

Radhika: "How is Nithya?"

Neil: "I don't know what kind of drug they gave her because she's not waking up, I'm taking her to the hospital."

Radhika: "I'm sorry Neil, it's all my fault, I should have stayed with her."

Neil: "It's to late to say sorry, you can't bring Nithya's innocence back, nobody can!"

Arjun: "Radhika is not to blame, I should not have listen to my sister, maybe then Nithya would have been saved."

Radhika: "What are you saying, you didn't plan this date?"

Arjun: "It was my sister's idea to take you on a date."

Radhika: "That odd, your sister hates me."

Neil: "I see a foul play here, don't you think Saral used Bonnie to get to Nithya."

Arjun: "I don't know what Saral told her, but I'm going to find out."

Neil: "You and Radhika go and talk to Bonnie and I'll take my sister to the hospital."


Bonnie had left 10 voice messages but Saral had not replied, she thought he was busy, maybe he will reply latter...

Bonnie didn't know that Saral was already leaving India and that soon she would have to face for what happen to Nithya all by herself.

Arjun went to his house with Radhika to confront Bonnie, she was in her room trying to call Saral when Arjun and Radhika came to her room she freak out.

Arjun: "We need to talk, little sister."

Bonnie: "Okay, what's all this about?"

Radhika: "What drug did you give to Nithya?"

Bonnie: "What are you talking about? I didn't give her anything."

Radhika: "I know it's you, I don't know what Saral told you to use the drug on Nithya for, but I'll tell you what happen to Nithya, only question is do you even care."

Bonnie: "Look I don't know what your talking about, just come to the point."

Radhika: "You want me to come to the point I'll tell you what Saral did, because of the drugs my best friend was raped."

Bonnie: "No that's not true, Saral told me those drugs were going to be used for her to tell the truth."

Radhika: "Saral fooled you, you idiot, sorry Arjun but I'm so angry at your sister, she is so blind over Saral, she can't even see the truth, I bet you Saral has left India."

Bonnie goes to her brother

Bonnie: "Please Bhai, tell me it's not true."

Arjun was angry with his sister and he told her..

Arjun: "Everything Radhika told you is the truth, if you only listen to us, Nithya would have been saved, you will have to face the consequences for the rest of your life, you have the hand of her getting raped."

Bonnie was in tears, she was a fool, she let Saral control her, and now the guilt would kill her, how was she going to make Nithya's life better.


At the farmhouse the police were investigating, they saw blood on the wall, but Sheila's body was missing....

Precap: Is Sheila still alive? Nithya in shock...

How was it?

Do you think Sheila is alive, well expect the unexpected, you will find out later for now I'll leave it as a mystery..

Bye for now, don't forget to vote and comment.

Love you all...

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