Chapter 18

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/::::::\MIRANDAS POV/:::::\

" Which drive way ? Devin ! which drive way !?" Sam yelled driving down the long country road . " Th-The one on on on the left " he breathed his head in my lap . I had to cast a spell on the young la to keep him calm . He kept going on how he needed to get to her and how he could feel her slipping . The car quickly made a sharp left turn and then Sam slammed us into park and ran out the car and so did Devin . he'd broken my spell , he was a lot stronger then I have him credit .

/::::::\ SAMS POV /:::::::\

I rushed out the car and stopped at the front door it was open Sasha layed there in a pool of blood . I was knocked out the way by devin. " angle face be ok come on " he said shaking her . " She's still got a pulse find Kira .and meet us in the car . " He said picking her up and running outside . I sprinted up the staiers and I wished I hadn't . I couldn't tell what was covered in blood and what wasn't . so much blood .

/::::::::\ TYLERS POV/::::\

Something was covering my eyes and my mouth I suddenly heard some one start saying my name "Tyler Tyler !". I recognized the voice ... Marcus ? .. Marcus ! "Marcus !" I tried to yell but the tape mufflers it out . "Tyler it's gonna be ok babe I'm going to figure out how to get us out of here ok ?" he said and I nodded . then the tape and blind fold fell off and I could see him chained to poll across the room cuts all over his chest . " Marcus are you ok ?" I asked and he nodded . "well well well isn't this just funny " I heard some one say and I looked in there direction and I saw a women with brown hair standing there in a black dress with a bloody knife . " Who the fuk are you ?" I yelled at her . She chuckled " who am I ? who am I ? who am i? "she said stalking tword me , then she grabbed my face . " I was his wife , the queen to his king , I was the love of his life " she said then pushed my face away from her . " Who ? who is he ?" I asked " god the thing with you hunters ! is you never know who lives you destroy or who you kill " she snapped . " How about this story time shall we ? " she smiled then pulled up a chair and sat down . " once upon a time there was this girl , she was in her first year of college and one day she goes to get a coffee and the guy that was the cashier was the most beautiful person she'd every seen , she could tell he felt the same just by the way he looked at her . and be said "what's your name ?" and she said " Allison you ?" and he said "Phillip " " She said with a laugh twirling the knife in her hands then continued . " Well Allison and Phillip went on a lot of dates you see and one day he said " Allison I love you and I know you love me so I need to tell you a secret " Allison was really worried but when she heard his secret of him being a werewolf she was so happy because she had a secret of here own, she was a witch ! and he couldn't believe it . it was basically a fairy tale come true , then a couple years Allison got pregnant " she said and her face became serious then she coughed and continued " but something went wrong and after she had the baby it died . she was devastated didn't talk , or eat for days , just chatted and prayed to the great gods for help then one of them answered . it came to here in a dream and said " bring me 13 hearts of the innocent and you'll have your child back " She told her husband her plan and of course he helped . so they began there plan in this town next to this one but the authority's put out a curfew and it began to hard to fined anyone . so they had 7 hearts and figures they could get the rest here . right here ! in this shit of a town . so one night the husband goes out and he dosnt come back . he was killed .... murdered ! do you know what happen then well Alison vowed to finish the job and bring them both back her husband and there son !" she said smiling again .

A silence fell across the room . " Marcus I know your name " she said standing up " but you don't know mine ... " She said standing up and walking to him . " I'm Alison " she said reaching out her hand for a shake . " You were his mate " Marcus said then Alison thrusted her hand into his chest and said " DEC TOR UM MEL A FEIT EH " . He screamed out in pain then she drew back . " Now Tyler you'll know what it's like to have your lover taken from you and your heart ripped out " she smiled then started to walk to the door and flicked her wrist unlocking are chains then she was gone . I ran to Marcus but before I got to him I heard a loud growl come from him . "Marcus ? " I asked . " Tyler run " he said then lifted his head to revile his eyes hand shifted colors then he let out a loud roar . I ran as fast as I could but I could feel him on my heels . I kicked the door open in front of me and I ran down the hall and down another . till I stopped . I didn't hear him . did I get away ? I opened the door on the far right and saw it was a supply closet . I grabbed the wooded broom and split it in half so it was a stake . I started to walk down the hall way when I heard a low growl . I turned and saw Marcus . he started running at me and I ran at him . when he was close enough I dropped to the grown sliding between his legs . I quickly got back up and ran . some how I ended back up in the room where we were held . think ! Tyler think of away out of here !. then I heard the door slam shut .

/::::::\ SAMS POV /:::::\

" How's the spell coming ?" I asked Miranda over the phone. I'd been in the hospital for about 2 hours now . Miranda dropped us of and went home saying something about finding Tyler . " It's coming along I'll call you when I know more " she said "ok I'll talk to you soon " I said then hung up . " You ok ?" I asked Devin who had just been sitting here quit . " Yea shes gonna be fine " he nodded but I could tell he was doubting himself . Sasha had been in surgery since we got here and Kira . don't ask .

/:::::\ MIRANDAS POV/:::\

I dipped the skringing crystal in the powder then began circling the Map of town it started moving to a old school building about 20 minutes away from Tyler's house " I found you Tyler " I said then the crystal stopped . this only happens when the person you wish to fine wasn't alive anymore ..... " Tyler ... no " I said and then grabbed the keys to Sams car .

/:::::::\ TYLERS POV /:::::\

I felt blood in my mouth as he as I hit the grown . "Marcus stop please " I begged as he picked me up and punched me again . " I . Can't . " He said in between punches . he picked me up and through me across the room . I landed with a thud then I felt him pick me up again . and punch me . I felt different like something took over and I grabbed his arm and he started screaming and dropped me . I began to crawl away . I'm very sure my ribs are broken and my left leg as well . I was almost to the door when I was turned around and then I felt a sharp pain in my chest . I saw him standing above me with his hand in my chest . his eyes glowing . Is this death ? They say that death is peaceful. You always hear doctors and preachers refer to it as the ' better place' . I mean for Fuks sakes you see a bright shinning light , but the doctors and the preachers arnt hear right now . I-I don't see a light . I just I feel cold and .... I'm so scared . Then it all went black .

the hunters son boyxboy werewolves (Not edited)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora