Chapter 16

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/:::::::::\ TYLERS POV /:::::::::\

The voices they wouldn't stop . I tried every thing blaring music , ear plugs , but nothing would stop them . I felt like I was going crazy . I haven't left my room today because the voices are so loud right now I can barely think . what's happening to me ? The whispers grew louder and louder and louder and then my door opened and they stopped in walked Miranda chanting " phamamos Lestra delá viench....... I thought you could use the quiet " she said then smiled " thank you " I sighed " it's gotten worse hasn't it ?" she asked " yes ..... what dose it mean ?" I asked . " Death is getting closer " she shrugged then sat on the edge of my bed " your friend was right to tell you to stop what your doing cos there will be repercussions " Miranda sighed . " fuk the repercussions my mother is dead and I'm going crazy " I said raising my voice . " you are not crazy honey your gifted " she chuckled " what am I ?" I asked . " honestly I wish I knew your not a banahee because your not female and your not a seeier .... so I'd like to know to " .

I got Miranda settled in and went to the shed but before I could get within twenty feet of it I was tackled to ground . " What the hell I screamed !" At Marcus " stand back ok " he said . I did as he asked then watched as he picked up a very large rock and hurl it at the door when it broke through the door the whole shed exploded pieces of would fell from the sky like rain . " Get him inside " Miranda demanded . " To me it seems like your enemy is taking the attack ".

" I'm fine same " I said watching my brother pass the room " you could have died " he said " yea I know I saved him" Marcus chummed in . "hey what's going on ? I heard what happen and we came " Sasha said entering the room with Kira and Devin . " A freak show great " Sam said under his breath . "Hey! if you haven't noticed I'm a freak to and these people are my friends so you can go the fuk back to Utah if you want " I snapped . the room fell silent and then Miranda came in with a large leather bag . " It's good your all here were gonna need it ". " Need what ?" I asked as she places candles around the room . she turned around and said "your enemy is scared of you big time they don't know what you are they don't know if they can kill you that's why they set that trap cos they're scared ,of you . So I think we need to figure out exactly what you are so I'm going to use the energy of three werewolfs to give the young seeier a vision . she will see what you are " . We all just fell silent " anybody need to pee ? cos do it now " she said then all the candles in the room lit at once .

/:::::::\ SAMS POV/:::::::::\

I sure as he'll wasn't comfortable with having 3 mutts in my house . Now a witch is about to preform some juju on my brother ! ugh I should have stayed in Utah ..... but he needed me and I already dipped out once no way I can do that again . Miranda drew some wierd triangle on the ground with some like dark red sad stuff and has made Ty and that Kira girl stand in the middle and now she's putting a mutt on each corner . " Ok now during this you all will change but you'll be in a state of almost unconscious ok ? ok let's get started " Miranda said clapping her hands . " You two hold your hands like your about to play hott hands ok ?" Miranda said .

/::::::::\ KIRAS POV/:::::::::\

" Ok " I said letting out a nervous breath . " Hey your fine ok " Sasha said " we got your back " Devin nodded . " If you wanna back out girl I would do it now " Miranda said creating a circle around the triangle with black sand . "No way Tyler would do the same if I needed it , right ?" I asked looking at him " you got this just breathe " he winked. " ok began you three join hands you two close your eyes and relax " she said then started chanting "nos vitam aly moo a ristium mal jallenx nees vomims sa barididom mal en fax tres in con Tay ly beem nala val nex ti um nes van nest tri oom ".

I felt heat it was like staring at the sun on a cold day you just feel warmth over take you . but then instead of seeing light it was dark . darkness everywhere thick clouds almost suffocating . and the warmth it started to burn like I was on fire . and then came the screams they were overbearing . It sound like thousands of people . then I realized I was one of them . screaming I was in so much pain , it hurts every where everything burnt . I could smell the smoke .

/::::\ SAMS POV/::::\

The witch started saying her words and the flames in the candles shot up and the mutts started to show they're true faces . I mean it all seemed boring to me . I just sat there and watched and listened to this Miranda repeat the same words . Then something went wrong she stopped chanting and that um Kira girl started screaming she fell the grownd and started shaking . I quickly turned on the lights and Miranda was saying something I guess stopping what ever the hell was going on . next thing I know all the dogs suddenly snap out if what ever trance they were In and one was calling 911 the other was holding Kira and Marcus was shaking Tyler awake .

" Just what the hell went wrong back there " the wolf girl snapped . "Honestly I don't know what ever she saw made this happen " Miranda sighed . " No you made this happen your the reason my baby sister hands almost got burnt to a crisp your the reason her hair turned shock white " she said getting more angry . " First of all only the palms of her hands got burned secondly her hair isn't white .... atleast not the whole thing . " Miranda said sipping her coffee . " you know what in going to go for a walk because if not I'm going to beat up a old bitch " the wolf girl said to the other wolf guy before walking away .
I know they're names I just don't like them so wolf guy and girl it is .

/:::::::\TYLERS POV /:::::::\

This is my fault . All my fault . What am I ?

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