Chapter seven

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A teacher dead . there's no way that this is going to go well .

I walked through the front door and called out " dad " I knocked on his office door " dad " I heard some one talking so I opened the door and I saw the sheriff " oh sorry I'll come back " I started but my dad told me to sit . so I sat next to sheriff in the leather office chair . " Tyler this is sheriff Davis you might know his son Maxie he goes to your school " my dad said lighting a cigaret . I searched my mind and remembered I had seen him passing the dance club one time . " Uh yes it's nice to meet you sir " I said shaking his hand . " I assume you know what happened to day with the teacher " he said " yes sir I heard about it that's why I came home " I said " the alpha sign was found on the board " my dad Added . " We need to get rid of this beast soon how soon can you go hunting ?" the sheriff asked my dad " tonight " he said and glared at me . "Ok call me when it's done " he said getting up " ok I'll call " my dad said shaking his hand .

As soon as the sheriff pulled out I turned around and said " what the hell dad you just can't spring this on me ! I just got out of the hospital " " Oh come down ok your being a drama queen now go get ready " he said pointing twords the stairs . " No " I gritted my teeth " listen Tyler ...... as soon as we get this over with you can go back to being normal I promised you and your mom this is the last stop till your out of highschool ok now go get ready " he said then walked back into his office and locked the door .

Walking back into the apartment I had a flash back . The teeth , the claws , and the blood red eyes . I found the apartment empty so I killed the fuse box and drew my bow and waited .

I was there for about two hours when I heard some one coming up the satires , two someone's . The next thing I knew the door came flying open . I knew this wasn't gonna be a easy fight . Two betas big looking walked through the door , I turned the flash on my arrow and that's when the one that picked my arrow noticed me a look of shock on his face . right before I released the other tackled it out the way and behind a counter . The fair inside the arrow started to go off feeling the room with a with light I shot another arrow at the wall in front if the counter blinding them .

Silence came across the room as the flairs died . I took cover behind a one off the four columns I the room . I drew another arrow when I saw one of them run out I shot and missed . what game were they playing ? I quickly drew another arrow and turned on the flash . I went to run out when i was pushed I dropped my bow and jumped back up kicking it in the right cheek next thing i knew the other one was wrapping it's arms around me squeezing me . the other one stalked twords me , I waited till he was close enough and I kicked off his chest making the one holding me stumble back it used that to my advantage elbowing it in the ribs . I fell to the ground and rolled grabbing my bow and standing up with it drawn at the one I had kicked . I wanted to shoot but I couldn't something about the way it looked at me . I couldn't . I moved my bow down and said " go " . They both looked confused but got up and walked to the window and jumped .

When I got to the car I whiped the blood from my busted lip and my dad asked " what happened ? is it done ?" "no there wasn't an alpha just two betas and they ... they got away I'm sorry " I said pulling on the locked handle . " Maybe you weren't fast enough I have an Idea let's work in cardio now walk home " he said and drove away . I took all of me not to brake down how could he be so cruel .

After the five hour walk home I got in the shower and just sat there. Why couldn't i do it I've done it before . it was his eyes they just ..... I could t do it . why am I such a failure ?

The next morning I got up and I was so tierd and my legs were so soar . I washed my hair and got out the shower not even that could cheer me up .

When I got to school It seemed every time I saw Sasha , Devin , or Marcus the left . why were they avoiding me ? have I done something . all day I was alone until lunch . I was sitting there head down when I felt some one sit with down , I looked up and saw the sheriffs son Maxxie . " Hey " he smiled " uh hi " I waved . he chuckled and asked " why are you all alone ?" " I don't even know my friends are avoiding me " I shrugged " why ?" he wondered biting his apple " I don't know I didn't do anything I don't think" he shrugged " well screw I'm " " Haha I guess " I said poking at the food not really hungry " here's my number give me a ring if you ever wanna hang I gotta go " he said handing me a small pice of paper . I watched as he walked away he turned and winked at me before walking out . I couldn't help but smile.

I got home and I could hear my parents arguing " you made him walk home he didn't get in till like 12 you guess left at 6 !" my mom yelled " oh calm down he's fine isn't he ? " He said . " Your sleeping in the couch " my mom said and walked out and hugged me " I'm sorry " " It's fine I gotta do home work so I gotta go " I said letting go and she nodded and walked away . I didn't want to be there so I went back to the school . to the dance studio I figured Maxxie would be there .
I walked in and it was empty . It had been so long since I'd dance . I use to love to I was actually pretty good byt my dad made me stop he said it was stupid . I don't think they would mind if I dances here . I took my jacket and plugged my phone in and play little mixs these four walls . I let the music move me twirling, jumping , spinning , I found my self opening my eyes at the end . I jumped when I heard some one start to clap I turned to see wet hair Maxxie standing in a door way near the back . " Your good why haven't you tried out for the dance club" he asked . " I just don't have time and my dad thinks it's stupid " I shrugged grabbing my phone . " Well if you don't wanna do the club you should definitely do this show with me called " tonight " it's totally cool a bunch of dancers come and I have a slot in it and i can choose a partner if I want and I think you'd be a good fit " he smiled " uh ok I'll think about it " I smiled " uh do you wanna get outta here maybe go for a bite ?" he asked " sure " I answered .

We pulled into a dinner not to far from the school apparently Maxxie come here a lot . " Hey max what can I get you Hun ? " a lady with a apron asked " a plain burger with fries " he smiled "and you ?" she asked " same "I said and took a sip of my coke . " So Tyler tell me about your self " Maxxie said "um I'm originally from Michigan I think I don't know we moved a lot , uh This is the last stop till the end of high school , my favorite colors yell , I really like to dance but my dad took me out and put me in archery , uh that's about it " I shrugged " well I'm Maxxie I like long walks on the beach , cuddling , and sex lots of sex " he said then started laughing " just kidding I love to dance , I've lived here my whole life my favorite colors white and I do like to cuddle " he winked and we both laughed .

When we got back to the school he walked me off to my car saying head sit with me again tomorrow . Before he left he kissed my cheek and I couldn't help but smile .

the hunters son boyxboy werewolves (Not edited)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя