Chapter 15

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/:::::::::\ MARCUS/::::::::\

" All though we give her to the earth we do not say goodbye . For we shall never really say goodbye to her for she will forever be In are hearts . Guiding us through the grief and troubles that we shall face in the future . by the father son and the holly spirit we lay her to rest " the priest said then nodded to Tyler . Tyler picked up a hand full of dirt and through on the casket and then his father did the same . Tyler stood back by my side his face as emotionless as ever . He hasn't really spoken since it happened . some times I wake up in the middle of the night and he's gotten out of bed and is shooting arrows out side . I've been staying with him since it happened . He said he couldn't be in the house alone but he didn't want his dad to be there so I've been staying there everyday for the past couple days . " Tyler it's over are you ready to go home ?" I asked nudging him out of his state of daydreaming " yea we gotta pick up Sam from the airport " he said .
" Ok love I'll pull the car around " I said and kisses his cheek .

After waiting about an hour and holding up a Singh Tyler's brother finally found us . " Ty " he said teary eyes and hugged him . " Sammie " he said huffing him tightly " I'm sorry I missed the funeral " Sam said letting go . " It's fine " he said . " You must be Marcus im sam" he said shaking my hand " nice to meet you " I said shaking back . " You know how to shake do you also fetch " he said cracking a joke Tyler though it was funny but I . I sure as he'll didn't but for Tyler's sake I just nodded and said " so you know ?" "of course I know Tyler always keeps me informed through email right Ty " Sam said messing up Tyler's hair . Tyler giggled a little them went back to no emotion . Sam asked Tyler if he'd go pick up his bags and he did when he was out of ear shot sam turned around and said " don't smile like. I want you to know the only reason I'm letting you even think about him right now is because your mates and if you die that means part of Tyler dies so don't for a second think That I won't hurt you . if any harm comes to him your gonna wish I put you down " then he turned around and took one of the bags from Tyler and suggested we go get lunch . so much for a warm welcome .

Tyler and Sam basically talked to each other the whole time we were at the pizza place . I know I should be happy because he's talking and smiling but I wish it was me making him smile . Just then Tyler's phone rang he checked it then got up " I have to get this " he said walking away . he walked out side the restaurant where he thought I wouldn't hear him . " Ok talk fast " he said I heard mumbles on the other end " ok " he nodded " that's not good enough I asked for a location not a general area " he said sounding angry " no! you listen you've been under protection of my family for the past 20 years that can easily change ......... yea ok I'll see you soon " he said then hung up. " It's not polite to listen " Sam smirked from across the table . "hey so we should provably head on home " Tyler said walking up to the table , " everything ok love ?" I asked " fine " he halfed smiled . Hey at this point I'll take what I can get .

After we got to Tyler's house Tyler showed Sam to the guess bed then went out to the shed . he'd been going to the shed for days working practicing archery . I layed down on the couch when I heard my phone vibrate on the table . " Hello?" I answered " Marcus it's Kira where's Tyler ?" she asked " uh out side in the shed why ?" I asked " I saw something ... I'm pulling in now " she said then hung up . I heard some one ring the bell , I quickly got up and opened the door . " Ok where's Tyler" Kira said walking in " he's in the shed why ?" I asked . just then Tyler walked in with a thick layer of sweat coating him . " Uh hey Kira what are you doing here ?" Tyler asked . " You need to stop what ever your doing " she said " what are you talking about ?" I asked again . " Tyler listen I know you wanna find the person who killed your mom but I saw something " she said ignoring me . " What did you see ?" Tyler asked "hey what's going on down here ?" Sam asked comming down stayers . " I'm not really sure what I saw there was darkness and a lot of crows and there were things in the darkness and red eyes " she said . " Kira what's going on!" I demanded " Something's comming Marcus and not all of us are gonna make it out alive " she said looking directly at me . then she just left like just walked out . " Tyler what arnt you telling me ?" I asked " it's nothing Marcus drop it " he said and turned to walk up the stayers . " Tyler !" I called after him " go home " and then shut the bathroom door .

the hunters son boyxboy werewolves (Not edited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora