Chapter 4

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" Ok well what do I do ?" I yelled at devin through the phone " check his pulse ? " He said doubt in his voice " give me the phone " I heard Sasha say before she said " ok listen if your not gonna take him to the ER then take him home ok ? find where the bleeding is and put pressure on it ok ? we're on are way " then I heard the phone hang up ." Ok hold in just hold on " I said and spend the car.

It seemed like it took forever to get home . when I did I ran into the house caring him bridal style , I sat him on the bed and took off his jacket . That's when I saw it a shard of glass sticking from his side . I knew there wasn't anything Sasha could do so I scooped him back up and my arms and ran to the car. I called 911 and they said they'd be out side the hospital waiting .

I pulled into the ambulance bay and there were doctors waiting . they took him from me and a nurse lead me to a waiting room . they kept asking me " do you know what happened ?" or " do you know how to get in contact with his parents ?" . Must've said " no " a hunderbillon times , Sasha and Devin finally showed up and we all sat there waiting . hoping .

Around eleven a man and a women showed up and started asking the nurse questions I heard the women say " is is Tyler ok ? Who's his doctor " the nurse said " he's gonna be fine and dr.freemen is taking care of him ... Those kids are the ones who brought him in " then she nodded tword us . the women nodded back then they walked over to us " um hi I'm Tyler's mom Karen and this is his dad Thomas we just wanted to say thank you so much " she said shaking are hands . " It's know problem ma'm do you know how he is ?" Sasha asked . " Tiffany said he was fine you must be Sasha I've heard a lot about you " Tyler's mom smiled " uh yeah I am and this is Devon and Marcus " she said pointing to us ."well it's nice to meet all of you " Tyler's mom smiled , then a doctor came out of the double doors " hey Karen , Thomas he's fine still asleep from the blood lose but he's fine he'll be good as new in a few weeks he just needs to take it slow and take the prescription I called in " he said to Tyler's parents " can we see him ? " Sasha asked " uhm I think it's best for family to see him right now but perhaps tomorrow you guys can come and see him " the doctor said then put on one of those I don't give a fuk smiles.

After we had left the hospital we all decided to go see him tomorrow around one . I laid there awhile in bed just thinking " why was he in that part of town ?" " What happened to him ?" " will he be ok ?" " Why am I thinking so much about ?" " why was I disappointed when I found out he wasn't gonna be at the party?" . I had so many questions on my mind but no answers . I knew one thing though . I found him interesting he wasn't like the other humans who threw them selves at me . He was different and I liked that.

The next day I had gotten up around ten and headed out for a run . when I had gotten home I smelt burnt and cinnamon " you can't even use a toaster" I heard Sasha complain "there's a lot of settings ok " Tyler whined . " What'd you do now ? " I asked grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge . " Your brother the master chef thought he could make cinnamon Toast in the toaster with the plastic still on it " she said sighing " great " I said shaking my head . " Hey I'm not a good cook ok " " Yes sweetie we know what did you burn now ?" mom asked coming down the stairway . " be attempted French toast " Sasha said "oh god please tell me the toasters ok" she said pouring coffee . I chuckled then headed up stairs to shower .

The hot water felt good against my naked body , relaxing my muscles . It was eleven when I got home wich means I still got two hours before I go see Tyler . the questions started again . Yet I still have no answers . I stepped out and wrapped the towel around my waist and looked the mirror . I wasn't bad looking infact I was pretty good looking I was what some guys would call a " hunk " or a "stud " they especially liked all my tattoos . yes I'm 18 and I have tattoos and yes I'm in the 11 grade but that's because I was held back ..... Twice ......

I was laying in my room when I heard a knock on my door " come in " I called "hey Sasha wanted to know if you were ready apparently she wanted to stop by the gift shop and get him something like balloons " Devin said standing in the door way . " Yea I'm coming " I said getting up and heading down stayers . we called " bye " to mom and got in the car , after driving through midday traffic we finally got to the hospital around 1:34 and head to the gift shop .
" Pink ones no .... yellow " I heard Sasha say while I looked at the stuffed animals . I saw This little platypus stuffed animal and picked it up it was so cute it reminded me of him for some reason . so I payed the 13.50 for it and stuck it in my pocket I'd give it to him later . " Ready ? " Sasha asked holding a thing of pink AND yellow balloons "yea " I smiled. We got in the elevator and made are way to the fourth floor the. Down to his room .

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