Chapter 13

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/:::::::\ Tyler's POV /:::::::\

I layed there on my bed in a half awake and half asleep state I heard the door to my door open and then I felt a body crash onto mine . I guickly flipped us so that who ever was in me was now under me I guickly got up and grabbed the knife under my desk " well good morning to you to " Sasha said kicking the covers off her . " Dude what the hell !" I whispered yelled " I came to see how last night went ya know the whole date thing and I didn't feel like waiting " she said and stretched " did you for get I'm mad at you " I asked . Just then my door creaked open " um excuse me " a shy Girl at least my age or younger said " didn't I tell you to wait in the car ?" Sasha asked " no you just got out and went in so I did the same " she said " um " I said " oh yea Tyler this is my younger sister Kira " Sasha said and Kira waved . Kira was shorter then me with light caramel skin and long straightened hair with these big green eyes . " Uh hi " I said " well don't be awkward sit down " Sasha said and she did . " Um what up with knife ?" she asked " oh Ty Ty is a hunter " Sasha answered . I was shocked and her sister wasn't " then you shouldn't be here " she said to Sasha " no it's cool he's cool with it " she said and shrugged " actually -" I started but Sasha cut me off " totes ok with it " .

Sasha decided that she was bored and opened my closet and pushed back the clothes and revealed my bows case and assortment of weapons . " Well some people collect shot glasses you collect killing devices " she chuckled " yea well when that's all you do it's kind of hard not to collect the things " I said " you don't only kill .... you save people " Kira said " how do you know ? " I asked " oh Kira knows every thing she's a seeier " Sasha said and through a knife at her , Kira guickly turned and graves the knife " um ok one freak show after the other " I said slumping down in my chair . " Hey cheer up sower puss were gonna go do fun stuff " Sasha smiled " I don't think it's fun " Kira said " yea well your version of fun is chemistry " Sasha said a showed her tongue . " Get dressed bitch we'll be in the car " Sasha said and left . " Well ok "I said to the now empty room .
After getting dressed I headed down the stairs and saw my mom comming out the bathroom " Tyler hey I was thinking since I have tommorrow off we should do something nice ? maybe go out to lunch or shop or something ? I know things have been crazy and I think we just need some chill time " she smiled " uh yea sure mom " I smiled "um I'm gonna go hang out with some friends ok ?" I asked " ok " she said and patted me on the back . when she touched me I felt a chill . I shrugged and headed out the house and Sasha yelled out " get in loser were going shopping !" wow really mean girls .

" So what are we shopping for ?" I asked when we pulled into the mall "um me I uh have a date tonight " Kira smiled " yep and she wants to look good so I figured older sister , older sister gay After what seemed like heels after feels , dress after dress , we finally found a pink dress that didn't look to dress-upy but not to casual and a pair of black heels . " That my gay friend is what I call success " Sasha said and pinched my arm . I rubbed my arm and smiled , she's so silly. " so I feel like lunch " sasha said " I guess I could eat " kira shyly smiled .

we all decide on fabios for lunch we all had a hankering for pizza . " so has devin asked you to the spring summit ?" kira asked " no but who else is he gonna go with ?" sasha laughed " whats the spring summit?" I asked . " oh its basically like werewolf prom " kira said whipping her mouth . " oh " I said . " yep yep yep you and marcy face will be the first gay couple to attend probably" sasha let out a burp . " we're not a couple " I said quickly " ooooookay " sasha said , " I didn't mean it in a bad way it's just he hid what he was from me " I said " so did you " sasha said . I wanted to same something but she was right . I'm mad at him because he was a werewolf a killing machine but to werewolfs im the same thing . " ill be right back " I said and got up . I pulled out and called his number .

/::::::::::\ MARCUS POV /:::::::::::::\

I was just about to make the shot and totally kick devins ass at yet another game of pool . I pushed my arm back and then my phone rang and caused me to hit the ball wrong " shit " I huffed " aye " devin cheered happy. " hello " I answered while glaring daggers at him " its me " tyler said " I know I have caller ID " I smiled " shut up " he said . I could hear the smile " whats up cutie ?" I asked crossing my arms . " we're going to the summit " he said . I was shocked only mates can go to the summit ! dose that mean he accepts me ? " you know only couples can go right ?" I asked " yep " he said popping the "p" . " why tyler is this you asking me to be your boyfriend ?" I smiled " just make you rsvp " he said then hung up .

I smiled and slid the phone back in my pocket . I turned around and devin was gone " dev ?" I called . then I heard him on the porch " yea we'll look out .............yea .............yea.......ok ...... yep ok mom be safe .... ok .... love you two " he said then came back in " that was mom ?" I asked . "yep you know how she went to irens to help organize the summit ?" he said putting his pool stick back . " yea " I answered " they just found iren dead him and his family butchered ..... mom thinks some ones sending a message " he said. " why ?" I asked worried " they left a symbol of the old langue . apparently it was the symbol for revenge . mom wants us to be careful while shes gone . considering we're the only wolf in the county we need to stay be extra careful " he said and locked the door . " just incase " he smiled " yea better safe then sorry " I chuckled and punched his arm.

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