Chapter 8

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He let us go ...... he just let us go . that's never happened before . hunters always kill are kind . they believe in "shoot to kill" not shoot a couple times and let them get away . there was something about the way he looked at me like ..... he knew deep down it was me . why didn't he kill me ? he could have , he could have taken me out right there .... but he didn't .

I tryed to talk to Devin about it this morning but he said to just avoid him and well talk about it . so that's what I did . every Time I saw him and he saw me and I walked away I saw the pain on his face . he dosnt know we know .

I still want him . every time he walks into a room I'm in I can smell him . the full moons comming soon and I don't know if I can control myself around him . I long to kiss and hold him .

At lunch I saw him with that max kid . he thinks he's hot shit because he can twirl and shit to a sappy love song . anyone can do that ! I saw max get up and walk to the door . Tyler was watching him like a hake and so was eye . then I saw him wink at Tyler ! that motherfuker! I'll brake both his pretty ballet legs ! .......... ok I need to calm down before I shit and that won't be pretty considering the closest hunter is like 13 tables away . " Marc you ok ?" Sasha asked " yea " I said dryly . " what are we going to do about Tyler ? " Sasha asked " well talk about it later I haven't come up with anything ... yet " Devin said putting the cap on his water . " It just pains me to see him all alone.... I mean he did let you guys go " she said " I said we'd talk about it later" Devin said and Sasha grew quiet .

I was laying there we decided that if I did do something I'd go crazy so I grabbed my keys and headed to school the track should still be open and I need to run . get these thoughts out of my head for a little while at least .

I was behind a silver camery when I pulled in I saw Tyler's car and I stopped mine I saw him and max get out of the silver car . I saw them walk to Tyler's car and max kiss his cheek . every thing went quiet . I could here my pulse pick up . I could feel my eyes change, my breathing picked up . I quickly made a sharp u-turn and got out of there I was going 65 in a 30 zone I didn't care I need to calm down now ! why was I do angry ?! why this hurt so much ?! ...........
He is my mate isn't he ? that's why it hurt that's why I'm so angry .

I pulled into the drive way and got out the car . I walked into the house and called out " Devin ! Sasha !" " In here" I heard Sasha yell back from the basement . I ran down the satires and saw them playing pool " we need to talk about Tyler now " I said " we can talk about it tomorrow " Devin said " no ! now ! I think he's my mate Devin " . he seemed to be thinking " how sure are you ?" he asked " I don't know like 85% sure " . After a few minutes he sighed " I don't know what you want me to say Marcus he could kill you .... he could kill all of us " " Wait that's not fair Devin before you turned me you never considered that you could hurt me " Sasha interrupted " yea but that was deferent " he said looking at her " how ? because he could put up a fight protect him self if I ever wolfed out ? " I asked angry . " Fine just wait till after the moons past ok " he asked focusing back on his game of pool " yea what ever ".

I ran up satires and jumped on my bed I'm going to get my mate . I smiled as sleep took me .

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