Chapter 3

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I'd gotten up awhile ago I just wanted to lay here for a bit and think . That and I can't get up and take a shower because Devon and Sasha have been in there for awhile . I shivered at the thought . It's not that I had anything against them just in the shower ? Really I shower there to :(

I guess I'll make food . I headed down to the kitchen and saw that there was three bottles of vodka . " Not even going to question it " I said and grabbed the eggs and a frying pan . I was in the middle of cooking when I heard Sasha say " thank god you can cook " " Yea Devon could burn ice " I said and we both laughed .

" So um what's up with all the alcohol ? Are we opening a bar ? " I asked handing her a plate . " No it's for the party were all going to " she smiled " I really don't feel like going to a party " I sighed " come on !!!!! please !!!!!!" she begged . " Nope " I said sliding some eggs on her plate " please Marcus come on ....... Tyler will be there " she smiled and wiggled her eyebrows " so ? " I shrugged and squirted ketchup on my eggs . " Oh come on I see the way you watch the booty when he runs " she poked me with her fork . " Oh come on you know I'm not like that ...... I mean yeah he has a nice butt , but that doesn't mean I like him " I said shrugging . " Oh sure it doesn't we live at 7:30" she smiled then left yelling to Devon " HE'S COMING !!!!" .
I guess I'll go I mean what's the worst that could happen ?

" Ok let's see what we got in here " she said opening my closet . " I can pick out my own outfit " I said sighed " I want you to look hot because I know Tyler will " she said grabbing a shirt and holding it up to me " no " she sighed and started looking again . " how do you know we even like each other ? " I asked sitting down " . " Because you look at him like Devon looked at me before we mated " she said looking over her shoulder " omfg I got it " she said holding up a great sweater " that's too small " I commented " even better it'll show off your chest better " she smirked .

After I got out the shower I walked into my room and saw an outfit layed out . every thing even down to my underwear was picked out . she picked the grey sweater , dark blue jeans , black briefs , and purple socks , and my sperrys . " She's lost it " I laughed to my self and picked up the briefs slipping them on .

After getting dressed I looked in the mirror and thought " something missing " . just then it hit me ! no literally Sasha through a dark navy blue beanie at me . " um thanks " I said then she walked out . I put the beanie on and looked in the mirror " much better " I said then smiled and grabbed my keys and headed down stayers .

" Bout time " Devon said opening the door " oh hush he's trying to loon good" she smiled and winked at me . " what ever can we go now ?" He whined . " Yes stop whin- " Sasha was cut off by her phone " hold on " she said walking inside . " Man I just wanna go to the party . " Yea I'll call you with all the details tomorrow .. bye " she said hanging up . " Who was it ?" I asked "Tyler he can come some family thing" she frowned . " That's sucks .... Can we go now ?" Devin asked " yes dick " she said walking to the car . " What did I do ?" he asked , I just laughed and started the car .

After driving for like a half hour or more when we reached the party . " Party time !!!" Sasha yelled and got out . We walked into the house and it smelled of sex , sweat , and drinks . "Sasha!!!!!!!" some blonde girl yelled running up and hugging her " harmony OMG " she said hugging her back . "Harmony the is my boyfriend Devin and his brother Marcus " she said pointing at me " well hello " she said smiling " he's gay " Sasha added "shame " she shrugged " did you bring the vodka ? " She asked " holly shit we forgot it damn it I'm sorry harmony " Sasha apologized " I can go back and get it ?"bi suggested " really?" she asked " yea I don't mind " I smiled .

I started the car and pulled out starting down the road . I starting to drive by these old apartments when some one ran out in front of me . I quickly slammed on the breaks and saw who it was " Tyler ? " I said aloud then he looked behind him and ran to the passenger side and hopped in " drive " he said " what ?" I questioned "DRIVE" he demanded . I hit the gas and got the hell outta there . " Uhm what's going on Tyler ? " I asked " just drive please " he sighed then cussed " shit " . " What ? " I asked then looked over and say that his head was bleeding . " God are you ok ?" I said looking back at the road . " Hello ? Tyler ?" I looked over and saw him passed out . " Fuk ! " I cursed .

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