Chapter 17

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/:::::\ SURPRISE POV /:::::::\
They say that death is peaceful. You always hear doctors and preachers refer to it as the ' better place' . I mean for Fuks sakes you see a bright shinning light , but the doctors and the preachers arnt hear right now . I-I don't see a light . I just I feel cold and .... I'm so scared .

48 HOURS EARLIER !!!!!!!

/::::::::\ TYLERS POV/:::::::\

" I don't get it your a witch why can't you find them ! " Sasha yelled . "listen they must have a witch working for them too ok ! I can't do anything about it . they're covering up their tracks and they happen to be good at it " Miranda sighed rubbing her temples . " Sasha it's fine ok Miranda just needs some time ok . just quit passing please your freaking me out a little " I said . "You're right I'm sorry .. I just ..... I want them to pay for what they did to Kira " she said sitting down on the couch ."we all do " Devin said kissing her cheek . "Hey Tyler can I talk to you ?" Marcus said comming In the room . "yea sure " I said walking past him and into the kitchen . when I walked in I had a flash back ,blood every where . It took me hours to clean it all up . there was so much . " Tyler ?" Sam said snapping me out of it . " Yea sorry what ? " I asked both them . " Me and Sam talked and -"marcus started but Sam cut him off "your going into hiding for awhile " . "The Fuk I am " I awed at them " listen we just don't think your safe " Marcus said . " Your damn fucking right I'm not safe none if us are ! do you get that are you blind ? Kira almost got her hands burnt off , I almost got blown up , my mom was murdered in this kitchen . So don't state the obvious cos I know I'm not safe but if I run then they win . " I walked out of the kitchen " I'm going for a walk and if either if you follow me I will punch you so hard in the dick that same your girl friend will feel it in Utah and Marcus I'll feel it yes that hard " and then I walked out side . I could breathe in there . I don't know what to do . I couldn't protect Kira ..... I couldn't protect my mom . I took off running. No don't cry ! I ran deeper into the woods before tripping and falling . I let out a sob not because I'd fallen but because it hurts . it hurts that I can't protect them . I'm suppose to be a natural born leader , but I can't do this . " Mom if y-your out there I'm sorry . I'm sorry I could-dnt save you ....... I can't do this mom" I sobbed looking up at the stars . " No you can't " a voice said I turned and looked up and saw a black boot then pain like a bunch of power saws drilling through my body all at once .

/:::::::\ SAMS POV /::::::\

" I should go after him " Marcus said . "He was sierious you know . He will punch you in the dick . " I warned . He chuckled " I know trust me you never call Tyler's bluff . one time he said he could eat a whole jar of pickle eggs and I said no way . then he did . he throw up in my car after but it happened " we both laughed .
After the laughter died down I looked at Marcus and said " I don't like you " "I know " he said looking down . " But I respect you and that's enough " I said and he nodded. " I know you can't see it but you make him happy . he's just grieving but he's not letting him self " I said them patted his shoulder . "I'm gonna go check in the juju lady ........ also if you tell anyone what I said I'll punch you in the dick " I smiled then walked out .

/::::\ MARCUS POV/::::::\

Well I guess that's a start . I chuckle to my self and open the fridge and grab a coke . " Hey will you take me home I promised Kira I wouldn't be gone long ?" Sasha asked . " Yea sure " I said and grabbed my keys off the counter.
" Oh we also need to stop by the um burger palace cos I uh told Kira if bring food home " she said then sighed . "Yea sure are you ok ? " I asked . " I'm just scared . I mean after what happened to Kira I'm just ...... I'm really scared . " She said looking out the window . " I'm scared to " I nodded " terrified because some one is trying to kill Tyler . my soul mate . I'm scared every time he leaves the room . I cringe every time I hear something pop . because of that explosion . if I'd not smelled the gas he would have died . and that Terrifies me ." I gripped the wheel harder . "Hey it's ok . we are gonna be ok . Tyler's gonna be ok " she said and gently patted my shoulder .

I pulled into the Sasha's drive way and helped her carry the food in . " You ok? by your self " I asked . " Please I'm fine now go back to Ty's and tell him you love him and it's gonna be ok " she said then left the room . I smiled and walk out the house and heard the crickets chirping but then they stopped . I stopped walking and inhaled . I smelt some one . the same person I smell in the woods the day by the cabin . I turned around and felt so much pain . Like I was being ripped a part . I tried to scream but I couldn't nothing would comming out . then I heard laughing.

/:::::::\ SASHAS POV /:::::::\

" Knock knock " I say walking into Kira's room she's been out I the hospital for 4 weeks already but she dosnt leave the house let alone the room . " You want me to turn on the light ? " I ask rehashing for it " no" she said from under the covers . " What's wrong ?" I ask sitting in the edge of her bed . " It keeps washing out " she cried " what? " I say confused . the cover comes flying off and I see her tear stricken face " I've tried every color .... even PINK!!!!! it all washes out I've used every hair dye I can think of but it just stays white !" she sobbed laying her head on my shoulder . " It's ok your beautiful either way " I say patting her back " what guy would love a girl with Freddy Kruger hands!" she sobbed harder . " some guys are into razors and sleep deprivation " I shrugged . she hit me in the arms and said " bitch" with a chuckle . " Were gonna get through this ok . I'm making witch bitch find something to fix your hands . and Kira I can promise you that you'll find some one who loves you ok ?" I took her hands in mine and she just smiled and nodded her head . We sat there for a good minute before the door bell rang . " That's probally Marcus I'll go get it he must have forgotten something like always " I smiled and kisses her forehead and headed down stayers . "Marcus seriously we are werewolves we have great memories how do you forget everything ?" I said opening the door . " Wait who the hell are you ?" I asked before I heard the loud bang and fell to floor I felt wet and warm . I looked over and coughed tasting metal . I saw the black boots walk up the stayers . and then I heard a scream .

/::::::::\ DEVINS POV /:::::::\

" Would you please stop passing it's making ready all this witchy crap a whole lot harder . " I snapped watching Sam make his ninth trip across the room . " He's been gone like an hour and a half , a walk dosnt take that long ." He Said making another trip . "ok you are just being over protective " I sighed . " Dude if your brother was like on someone's hit list you would be to " he said stopping . " I'm sure Tyler's fi-" I was cut off by me yelling . I gripped my chest . " What's wrong ? " Miranda asked comming to me . " I can feel her !" I gasped .


To Be Continued.....

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