Fangs• it hurts us too

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I woke up to reviving a hug from betty cooper herself I hugged back but she just winced in pain "Sorry Betts did I hurt you?"  She looked up and said " no I am just a little fragile from yesterday" she got up and hugged sweet Pea waking him up from the other couch. She then ran upstairs to I guess great her boyfriend with the best wake up call she could give him.

"So you guys wanna tell me what you did last night!?" Toni asked as she was peering up the stares marking sure Betty couldn't hear us.

"Let's just say when we found red in Greendale last night we uh you know let out the innerserpent in Jughead possessive protective death wish Jughead loose on him he isn't dead but is damn near close" sweet pea just said the truth Jughead litterly beat him to a pulp. I laughed as I enjoyed watching the man who hurt a girl who is like my sister get beat up.

We all shut up as we see Betty and a tired relived Jughead come down the stares I stepped pass them to go to the bathroom.

I stepped into Betty's bathroom and shut the door I passed the trash can as I got a glimpse of s shiney metal. I bend down and crap it as I see freash marks of blood on it then I rush down stares and slam it in front of Betty she looked up at me wide eyes " Fangs I can explain thi-" I cut her off " explain what Betty how you hurt the only thing that gives us hope the only light in our lives!" I started to yell as everyone else came into the kitchen as I ran out.

Then I heard the sobs of Jughead coming from the kitchen as I sat in the living room rarified I walk into the kitchen betty had taken off the sweatshirt just leaving her in her bra and pajama bottoms exoseing her scars.

Knowing it was the best thing they could do
Without making things worse Toni and Jughead stromed out the door and took off on their motorcycles seeing how they can't handle emotions pretty good.

Betty was rushing after them I grabbed her arm and shook my head "They don't do emotions well but they will be back soon come here I need to tell you something." Sweet Pea stayed silent crying on the couch.

"I need to tell you I am sorry for the way I had reacted it it is j-just I uh had a sister who used to cut like you do and in she was only a year younger then me one day she uh she had said she was taking a bath it was just us too and I said ok then after about an hour I went to check on her only to find a tub filled with blood and water she had uh killed herself under my watch and uh I just can't loose another sister because that is what you are to me now my sister." I started to cry again as she converts both me and Sweet pea in a hug.

"I am so sorry I caused you guys so much pain I will try my best to stop!" Betty started to weep and the sound of motorcycles came from outside I turned to Betty

"See I told you that they would be back."

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