Chapter 1

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        For anyone who reads this the chapters do get longer and better I started this when I was young, so it has some simplistic writing and really short chapters. I will try to make them as long as possible. I am working up to it.

Update I am rewriting the story. I was going to go in half-assed but decided if I am going to be a serious writer, I should finish what I started and do it well. 


     It was around 11 when I got off of work. I had to close up because the boss had been terrified to be late for a dinner with her husband. Her husband was a Vampire who was very punctual and never liked to be late for anything. He was also terribly protective of her and wanted her safe beside himself. She was "happily married" though I did not believe her when she told me with her husband standing right beside her. I mean who could be happy with a monster.

She had once confided in me that she hadn't wanted to marry her husband. That she had been in love with another man from her college, but as soon as the "others" took over she was ripped away from him and he was ripped apart before her eyes. After the supernatural's came out of hiding many of the humans who didn't die in the war lost their jobs. Some were afraid to leave their homes and others refused to leave the house and work for the others. The others were angered at the humans for destroying the earth and damning them into an existence of hiding so when they came out of hiding, they also took over. Most humans who did want or need to work ended up in jobs like mine, most of the comfy jobs went to the others and their mates, however most mates ended up not working since many of their supernatural's didn't want them too.  

       As I was walking down Iowa Street, I heard footsteps behind me. I started to walk faster and then began a fool blown sprint. I had been running for only two seconds before I was shoved into an ally and pinned to a wall. 

        "Why aren't you just precious."A man said, growling out the last word.

        "Let go of me!" I screamed.

        "No, I think I'm going to have a little fun first before I let you go" He sneered.

        He came in for a kiss and I turned my head sideways before he could touch my lips. He growled at me as I struggled. He was a wolf! He's a werewolf! This mangy mutt is attacking me! I felt his lips touch the side of my neck making me tremble with tears. 

"Let me go! Don't touch me!" I could hear him shifting his pants around. His buckle jingling as he worked his way out of his pants. 

"I bet you taste so goo-"

I heard a feral growl come from the outer entrance of the ally. I could feel my attacker shift his body sideways to where the growl came from. I heard a deep growl. Something inhuman. 

        "Get off her." The man growled lowly.

Oh god not another one. My attacker backed away from me. I shifted my eyes toward him looking him up and down, he was shaking. 

       "I wa-was just um." My attacker stuttered. That is the last I heard from my attacker before he was pushed up against the opposite wall of the alley in a chokehold.  I heard my attacker gasping for breath, trying to plead for his life. 

"You're disgusting and a vile excuse for wolf. You don't deserve to live."  He growled.

I ran out of the ally as soon as I could, hearing a sickening crack behind me. I was already down the street by the time I felt arms wrap around me. 

        "No! Please, let me go!" I screamed.

        "Shh, You're okay baby. I've got you. I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner."

It was the man from the alley, I recognize the voice. He began to pet my head letting out a rumbling noise from his chest. 

"Are..are you purring?" 

"I'm trying to calm you, love." 

"Please, just let me go. I want to go home."

"Shh, I'll take you home, baby. We can go home."


"I want to go home alone. Please, I'm so sorry if I upset you but I just want to leave."

I felt him stiffen behind me, "You will no longer be alone."

"No! Leave me alone! I hate you!"

I felt him reach over with one of his arms still wrapped around me. He grabbed my face and pulled me towards him, baring his teeth...his fangs, at me. 

"You will not speak to me like that. You are my mate, my forever. You will respect me. You will love me. You will come with me." He hissed. 

 "Mate! No, I'm not your mate! Leave me alone!" I screamed my voice getting hoarse. My body began to shake as I began to cry. 

        "Yes, you are, now let's go. I need to get you to my hotel room then in the morning we'll get your things and head off to my pack." He stated.

        "No."  I moaned out. My voice began to break as he dragged me away in another direction. 

   "Hush now, everything will fine."

        I started to scream and that's when the barbarian put his hand over my mouth and dragging me away. I kept struggling, trying to bite him, kick him, and that's when he growled and started to talk again.

        "Stop struggling or else I'll have to do something neither of us like." He said irritation clear in his voice.

        I kept struggling ignoring what he said. I want to get away. I need to get away. 

        "I'm sorry about this love." He said in sincerity. 

        That's when I felt his fingers delve into my neck, putting pressure against it. I became tired and I tried to stay awake, I really did but something had come over. He laid my head against his chest, whispering sweet nothings to me as I tried to fight off sleep. 

"It's okay baby, let it take you. You're okay, I've got you. You're safe."

Yeah, sure I am. 

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