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To: Luke
From: Ashton

Can I come over ? It's kind of important

To: Ashton
From: luke

Yeah sure, is something wrong ?

To: luke
From: Ashton

No but like it's important


Luke was panicking over Ashton's text. He paced back and fourth on the porch of his house wondering what this could be all about.

Once Ashton pulled up in the driveway Luke ran to the car, literally grabbing onto Ashton. "You're not breaking with me are you?" Ashton laughed. "Ha, no. You're funny, you know that?" Luke felt a bit weird for even asking that. "What's the problem them?" Ashton motioned Luke to the porch to sit down. "You should sit for this." Luke felt his stomach flop, his palms started to sweat.
"Babe, my disease is getting worse." Luke's eyes sparkled as Ashton's looked straight into them. "What do you mean getting worse?" Luke fumbled for the correct words.

"Look at my hands luke." Ashton put his hands up in front of his hands flipping them around so he can get a good look at them. "They're so swollen, and they hurt, a lot." The pain made Ashton wince here and there.

"How could you-" ashton cut luke right off. "My doctors want to send me over to California to test out all different trials and treatments to relieve the pain and swelling."

Luke could not believe what Ashton was telling him. "When do you leave?"

"In three days. Sorry for not telling you earlier." Ashton felt terrible. Now he felt like Luke wasn't going to trust him.

"How long until I get to see you again?" All Luke can do now is blurt out questions - he felt kind of numb. "A few weeks or so, not exactly sure yet." Luke now grabbed oN to Ashton's torso giving him the biggest hug ever.

"I feel like you're slipping away from me."It honestly made Ashton feel horrible for even saying anything to Luke but he had no choice but to say the truth.

"I have an idea...why don't you come with me!" Luke picked his head back up, looking upwards at Ashton, interested in his plan.

"Go speak to my parents right now! " Luke commanded pulling Ashton up, shoving him in the doorway.


Switching into airplane mode again
We're not alright but I'll pretend
Press my cheek against the glass
Just be good 'til I get back

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