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"Sorry Luke, I know, this sucks, I know you hate it." Luke laid on the familiar uncomfortable bed that sat in the familiar white room. He sighed and rolled his eyes as his nurse adjusted his IV & gave him a cocktail of medications which was all old news to him.

Luke was just six years old when his health declined and he found out that he's going to be chronically ill for the rest of his life.

He's now 21, his condition hasn't really changed but it hasn't gotten better. At least once a week he finds himself laying on the hospital bed hooked up to an IV because his body either failed him or the medication didn't work properly.

"I'll be back soon. You hang tight." Luke grumbled, it was a beautiful Saturday afternoon and he couldn't do anything all because his kidneys suck a being kidneys - he wishes he lived a normal life or better yet had somebody understand what he's been going through over the last eighteens years.


If these walls could talk, I'd hope they wouldn't say anything
Because they've seen way too many things

(Authors note: what did you think? In this book Luke suffers from Chronic Kidney Disease which is a longstanding disease of the kidney that eventually leads to renal failure according to WebMD)

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