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Luke was just about to start writing a new song idea when someone unexpected walked through the door. "Is this room taken?" Luke's face lit up at the sight of Ashton.

"I knew that you'd come back to me."

"Why wouldn't i?" Ashton chucked.it kind of sounded like Luke was playing hard to get.

Ashton rushed to Luke's side. He grabbed onto Luke's hand, Luke smiled. "Are you feeling any better from yesterday?"

"I'm uncomfortable ashton, I just want to be home. Luke made a sad face at Ashton.

Denise came busting through the door, Ashton jumped, removing his hand from Lukes.

"I have to clean, and check your wound Luke." Denise walked in, sliding a metal table full of medical supplies toward Luke's bed.
Luke gulped and Ashton seemed a bit taken back.
"It's going to hurt. I'm sorry." Denise apologized to Luke in advance, pulling the sheet down and rolling the gown up.
"Ashton, maybe you'd wanna hold Luke's hand so he can stay relaxed." Luke and Ashton looked at each other quickly - Ash seemed a bit flushed.

Denise began by removing the medical tape off of Luke's skin, Luke made a bit of a face at the feeling of it. "Sorry." She whispered.
After that she peeled the long piece of gauze off of Luke's skin. The fresh surgery wound was now exposed. Luke was starting to feel uncomfortable.
"Maybe it's better for you not to Luke downward towards where I am. Maybe it's better for you to look at Ashton." Denise suggested this and Luke took her word for it. Luke looked at Ashton and Ashton was intrigued by what Denise was doing.

"This is probably going to sting. I'm going to wash it out with a saline solution."
Luke winced when the cold saline water met his skin. "It's ok, it's okay." Ashton was talking him through it.

"You're doing great Luke." Denise paused for a second rubbing Luke's arm indicating that he's been doing a good job. "Ok now I'm going to use an alcohol wipe to clean it even more. This might hurt as well. Sorry, again!" Luke focused in on Ashton. Ashton gave him small reassuring smiles here and there.
"Very good luke. Very good." Denise was very impressed with Luke.
"Now I'm going to dry the area with some gauze." She patted his skin with the soft gauze. It actually felt nice in Luke's opinion.

"Now I got to put the antiseptic cream on it so you don't get an infection. It might feel cool on your skin." Ashton was impressed that it didn't really phase Luke. It made Luke seem brave. "I'm going to put fresh gauze and fresh tape over it so it stays in place and stays protected."
Once she was done she gave Luke a bit of a shoulder rub before walking out.

"Wow Luke-." Ashton was still in shock over the whole thing. "Tell me, how bad did it look?"

"I'm not going to lie, but it looked pretty painful." Ashton responded to Luke's question.

"So does that mean it looked bad?"
Luke was starting to get upset he already hated his body he didn't wanna have another reason to hate it.

"You're beautiful Luke." Ashton yelled out causing Luke to blush. Ashton placed a quick kiss on Luke's cheek. He than started to rub his arm and thigh. "Ashton what are you doing?"

"You don't like do you?" Ashton was starting to nervous. "I'm starting to feel strange. I'm starting to feel tingly in the inside. That never happened before."

Ashton soft giggled. "All Of that's normal. You're just getting a little horny that's all."

"Ashton, I think there's something wrong in my pants."


It's taking me over,
I don't wanna play this game no more,
All you gotta do is tell me right now,
You want me right now, come on,
Give me the green light,
We could have all night,
If you just say the word,
Tell me it's alright,
Give me the green light.

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