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To: ashton
From: Luke

Guess who got a record deal & recording contract?

To: luke
From: ashton

You did !!!

To: ashton
From: luke

Thank you so so much for being so nice to me !:-)

To: luke
From: Ashton

Can I come see you?

To: ashton
From: Luke

Yeaaaa, go through the back to get to my basement

To: Luke
From: ashton

Will be there in a few .

Like sat at the piano, song book open, trying to figure out what to do with unfinished songs he started to write a while back. He was getting so frustrated from the writers block that he started to slam on the keys startling Ashton who was walking down the stairs.

"Hey baby! Look what I got to celebrate with!" Luke turned around and smiled, greeting Ashton. Ashton was holding his phone in one hand and a bottle of champagne in the other. "You bought champagne?" Luke's eyes widened as the bottle got closer to him. "Yes! Of course I did. We have to celebrate this big milestone." Ashton was so excited as he was cracking open the bottle. "Ashton, I can't drink. My uh kidneys uh remember." Luke was frightened as Ashton handed him a glass. "One ain't going to hurt, gotta live it up." Luke started to shake as he bought the glass to his lips. He watched Ashton gulp the glass down so he followed, the champagne kind of burned his throat.

"Ew, people actually like this?" Luke questioned Ash, waiting for a response. "Hell yeah! I love it." Ashton grabbed the bottle taking swigs of it, and than gave it to Luke to do the same.

"Do you mind if I go into your liquor cabinet?"
"I uh I uhh." Before Luke can answer ashton was already rummaging through the cabinet; eventually taking out a bottle of vodka. "Let's take shots!" Ashton kept encouraging Luke, Luke very skeptical, he never done any of that before.
"You have a stereo too? Can I turn that on?" Ashton ran towards the stereo switching the music on full blast. And than started to drink out of the vodka bottle.
"Cmon Luke! Listen up! Live your life." Luke stood up from the piano bench grabbing the vodka bottle out of Ashton's hand not knowing on what to do. "Chug it!" Ashton screamed over the loud rock music playing in the background.
"Chug it?" Luke was extremely confused, he put his lips to the bottle and that's all that he could remember..


"Morning sleepy head." Ashton woke up, he had passed out face first on the couch, Luke was on the floor. Luke opened his eyes a bit looking in Ashton's direction. "Morning."

"Aw no, let me help you up!" Ashton rolled off the couch, jumping, standing over Luke ready to pull him up.

"What happened last night?" luke held his head after standing up. "You had fun last night that's what happened!"

"Oh." Luke was still confused trying to figure out what happened. "This place is a mess." Luke started to pick up the bottles and food left everywhere.

"You're so hot when you clean." Ashton watched from afar biting his lip. Luke couldn't help but smirk at Ashton's words.
When Luke turned back around facing Ashton, Ashton ran towards him. Ashton embraced him and started kissing him. "I love you."
"I love you too." Luke mumbled back. Ashton started kissing Luke's face and than Luke did the same back until they met each other's lips. In the midst of the hot make out session, Ashton started to pull of Luke's shirt and than Ashton started to pull of Ashton's but it got stuck on his head and he started to laugh.
"You're so beautiful Luke." Ashton started to undo Luke's belt and zipper. Pushing each other towards the couch. "Don't be shy." Ashton smirked, indicating Luke to pull off Ashton's pants.
Luke was giggling as Ashton pushed him playfully  on the couch. Ashton was over Luke placing kissing on his neck and stomach - extra kisses on the kidney scar. For some reason Luke couldn't stop laughing. There was a push, Luke smirked and started to tug at Ashton's boxers. "Go ahead."
"Okay." Luke pulled off Ashton's boxers ; he was now naked on top of him. Luke gave the okay to remove his underwear. Luke pulled Ashton closer. Ashton turned the music up. And the rest was history.


It don't matter, be combative or be sweet cherry pie
It don't matter just as long as I get all you tonight

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