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"Thank you Denise." Luke swung his bag over his shoulder and gave a quick smile to the nurse that's been taking care of him and his illness ever since he was a kid.
"No problem. Get plenty of rest and drink more next time. Dehydration is not a joke."

Luke walked out of the automatic sliding glass doors and immediately headed for his car. His whole day was wasted and he had no energy to do anything so he just wanted to go home and sleep.


The following morning he woke up to his mother hovering over him holding the tin of all the prescription drugs he needs to take on a day to day basis in order to live and to keep the disease manageable.
He sighed once again grabbing the glass of water and pills annoyed at the fact that he can't be like a normal adult, live on his own, have a career and party all the time.

Soon after he dragged himself to the bathroom, he looked at his reflection in the mirror before proceeding to brush his teeth and put gel in his hair. After that he took his shirt off and and backed away from the mirror in order to see the rest of his body - it was apart of his normal routine, he has to make sure there's no rashes, bruises or anything out of the ordinary. It made him take longer to get dressed and to get on with the day but he had to do it, if he missed something that might've looked odd he could be jeopardizing his own health and well being.

After wards he headed downstairs to the basement of his family's house. He didn't speak to anyone, didn't eat anything all his mind was focusing in on was the fact that he was able to play the keys on the piano. He's been working on a few songs lately, he's an inspiring musician he wants his voice and stories to be heard - but in the back of his mind he believes that nobody would like him because of his disease.

Back in school people would bully him because he was chronically ill, they'd make fun of his body, fall him names and push him around like he was a rag doll. He'd always run home crying and lock himself up in his room. And now he uses that pain to form into song lyrics and melodies.

He wishes he had a friend to share them with but the one friend he had moved away and he never saw him again. He just left. He didn't say where he was going or even he wanted to stay in contact. It made luke feel horrible.

All he Was was nice to people and people just treated him like shit.


Yeah, when the doors are all closing, it's bound to get loud
'Cause all these bodies are hoping to get addicted to sound

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