An unfortunate end [1]

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"The stars sure look beautiful tonight, don't they, Keith?" His blue eyes held the world. They sparkled as he admired the stars. Mine sparkled when I looked at him. Lance was my world, everything I ever needed.
"They sure are," I mumbled back. The humidity of the summer night left us sprawled out on his roof, with no blanket in sight and barely any pillows. "I wish it was like this every night," he sighed out. Silently, I nodded in agreement. My hand gripped his; he squeezed it back. The moonlight graced his features, giving him a serene look.
Slowly, I felt my exhaustion take over. "I love you, Lance," I slurred our before sleep overtook my senses.

My world, everything I ever loved, stood on the edge. Winter nights provided nothing but snow and faint stars as he peered out to the sky. I couldn't stop him. I should have tried better, should have done more for him. Feet shuffled farther forwards, balancing on the thin balcony of the rooftop.
"It's cold," he spoke, "Too cold for my liking. I wish it could already be summer again." White flecks of snow mixed into his hair. It flailed violently in the winter winds. The tears that fell down his cheeks betrayed how calm he looked.
"We could wait for summer to come around. Have more nights t-together, looking at the stars you love. Please, Lance," I choked out.
Blue eyes met my nearly violet ones, both spilling tears. Lance pondered what I'd said for what felt like eternity before whispering, "That would've been nice."
A blue scarf was carried away by the wind. I watched it fly away. When I turned back around, Lance was farther forwards. He smiled at me a broken smile before facing the edge once more. "The stars sure look beautiful tonight, don't they, Keith?" He laughed out.
"They sure are," I responded. He looked at me, happy with my response, before plunging off the edge of the building. A scream made its way out of my throat as I lunged out to him.
I was too late.
He already hit the ground with a sickening splat.
Loud wails disturbed the silence of the night. My world was gone. He was dead, and I could have prevented it.

hhsjdjd this is really rushed and poorly written sorry :/ i didn't focus at all on this but imma update before i forget to

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