Boy of the Stars

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The empty feeling inside of him wasn't supposed to be there.
He wasn't supposed to be there.
But he was.
He was there.
Keith was there, but Lance wasn't.
Lance had died.
It had been a horrendous suicide that no one anticipated. The red paladin had slit his wrists, staining the floor crimson with his blood. His eyes remained opened, yet they were empty of any life and a dull, depressing blue. They no longer held the stars of the universe, that could lift anyone's spirit, but now held only grief and tried tears.
His sun kissed skin had paled far too much to be considered healthy. His freckles still dotted his skin, but they seemed to stand out more than usual. Once tan arms held rows of neat scars and two long slits, oozing almost dried blood.
No smile was seen on Lance's face, only a small frown.
To anyone of the paladins, he looked unrecognizable, with his disheveled hair and unnaturally dull features.
For Keith, he had arrived too late to see what he had looked like in death. All he saw was the casket of Lance being ejected into a local supernova.
Allies of Voltron had gathered to watch one of their saviors being sent off to rest. He was their hope, but he was gone.
His ashes dispersed into the galaxy, joining the formation of new stars.
So now, Keith sat on the bridge, Lance's jacket wrapped around him, with a tear stained face. He silently watched a hologram of Lance, smiling at Keith, with his hand extended outwards, urging him to join him— not in death, but to dance with him in the stars.
He was the boy of the stars.
lowkey like this one lmao :) also please don't self harm, it's an unhealthy way to cope and a hard habit to break

langst one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora