Chapter 16.

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"So how was the party?" Meredith says, jumping into my bed, waking me up.

"Leave me alone." I put a pillow on my face.

"You're drinking too much. You've been here for two weeks and have already been drunk twice." She says, taking the pillow off my face.

"I don't care." I sit up. "Could you hand me some aspirins? They're on that box over there."

"Here." She gives me two pills. "So how was last night?"

"Well. Remember that dude I told you about?"

"Enrique or the hot jerk?"

"The hot asshole."

"Yeah, I do. In fact, I followed him on Instagram."

"Why the hell did you do that? Now he's going to think I'm like obsessed with him."

"Chill, he doesn't know me."

"We have pics together and we follow each other!"

"Ohh crap, yeah. Well anyway, what happened with him?"

"He kissed me."

"What?" She spits a bit of her water. "I thought he hated you."

"Me too! But he was so sweet to me last night. I mean, he was a bit uptight and rude, but I guess that's just his personality. But he was really nice overall."

"So what's going to happen now? Aren't you guys like competing with each other?"

"Yeah... I was extremely drunk and I did say a couple things I shouldn't have. He told me some stuff and I literally told him my shit."

"Then just let him react first. Like, talk to him like you normally would and see how he does."

"You're right. I'll probably be able to hear my own heartbeat when I see him tomorrow, but I'll try."

"Cool. So... I went to visit my brother today."

"You did?" I look away and start getting out of bed. "Hey so how's it going with Poppy?"

"He mentioned you." She walks behind.

"He did?" I laugh.

"Are you nervous or what?" She pulls me by my arm to face her.

"No! Why? Should I be nervous?"

"Dude, what's going on? Did you use to have a crush on Matthew or...?"

Did he say something? Why is she acting like this all of a sudden? He was never a topic, since he moved we hadn't talked about him at all. There were a couple times we were awkward around each other when he still lived in New Jersey, but Meredith always thought it was because we hated each other. I don't get it. It's not such a big deal, he was just my first kiss and my rebound make out when Liam King took my V card and left.

"What? Ew! No!"

He was pretty hot. It was actually that typical wattpad situation where the best friend's brother is the hot popular dude that has the entire population of the school either falling for him or wanting to hang out with him. He was two years older than us, and I knew nothing could ever happen between us.

"Then why do you get awkward when I bring him up?"

One day, I went to Mer's house because I was having an episode, I was running, sweaty and in pain, and she wasn't there. I tried calling her and nothing happened, until he arrived with a girl, but the second he saw me struggling and about to have another break down, he told her to leave and that he'd make it up to her later.

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