Chapter 3.

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"So, uh, what's going to be your major?" He abruptly breaks the eye contact and takes some distance, leaving breathless and dizzy.

"I'm going for art history these years" I cough a little 'cause my voice comes out a bit awkward. "And then I'll go straight to journalism."

"Oh, and you want to focus on editorals?"

"Yeah, I have some books I've written, and working there would help me get connections and a name for myself." I explain. "Also the internship is really cool. I get to do all the things I love."

"Wait, when can I read one of those books?" He asks.

"I've printed two. I can land you those if you want..."

"Yeah, I do! You know I'm not a big fan of reading but now I guess I'm gonna have to start doing it." He says, finishing the desk. "Hey and, what will you do at that internship?"

"Well, the applications said that they needed a young opinion on the books that were about to be published. So I'll be taking notes on the things I think need to be changed or any sorts of advices I come up with." I say as I take a good look at the desk.

"Babe, are you home already?" I immediately look up at Finn to see him talking on the phone. "Yeah, I'm a neighbor's place, wait." He covers the speaker side and looks at me.

"Emma." I say, thinking he kind of forgot my name.

"What? Haha, I know you're Emma." I'm so dumb. "Hey, I did my best with the desk, I think my job is done here so..."

"Oh, yeah, no, uhm, you can go." I say placing my hands on my pockets. "Thank you for the help."

"Anytime." He says giving me a wink. I show him the door and I'm left alone.

I have a little problem. Insomnia. There are moments where I'm really tired, like right now, but I go to bed and my mind just goes to places I would love to live at. It doesn't let me sleep, and I could go on like that for hours. Or it could go to places I hate, and my anxiety hits, and that's when I have to prepare my especial tea and have some pills I hate to take.

After some time watching Supernatural, I get up singing Carry on my wayward and I call it a night.


My sunday goes pretty quick and boring, since all I have been doing is organizing my stuff, making my schedules, doing some research, pooping, sleeping and eating.

I hate mornings. I hate waking up early when it's unnecessary. It's one of my biggest pet peeves, after the noises that come out of people's mouths when they chew, and homophobic comments. All of those make me want to puke my heart out and cry out of pure and physical anger.

So, I have been blocked for a while, and all I've written in the past week is the journal. I might be going out and collecting some experiences this weekend after my first days of college. I can't stop writing just like that.

"Hi, I'm here to see Mrs. Jackson. I have an appointment." I greet the recepcionist.

"Hi sweetie, you're 9:00am right?" The brunette asks. She looks about 40, and her face forms a trained smile as she speaks.

"Yes, yeah." I speak a little nervous.

"Okay, well, take a seat and I'll call out your name so you enter the office."

"Alright, thank you."

After about ten minutes, my name is shout and I run to the Mrs. Jackson's office.

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