Chapter 9.

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Just when I was openning my eyes, curling in bed, I started hearing voices at my front door, and then a knock on it. My parents. It's saturday morning, of course they'd come visit.

"Shit, go, go, go." I whisper, becoming fractic.

"Where the fuck am I supposed to go to? There's only one door." He whispers back, getting out of bed and looking for his clothes.

"Fuck. Uhm, hide in my closet, go."

"What? I'm not hidding!"

"Yes, you are, come on." I plea.

"Dude, you're 18 years old, you have sex, it's normal."

"Finn, they're my freaking parents and you're not my boyfriend." I 'yell' in a whisper and push him to hide in my closet, grabbing my bath rob and quickly running to open the door.

"Hey, y'all!" I greet them nervously. "Come in."
"Hey, baby." My mom hugs me as my dad enters and takes a look at my place, which thankfully isn't so messy, like anyone that knows me would think. "I've missed you so bad."

"I've missed you too mom." I say, looking at my dad inspecting the room. "And dad."

"How has your week been? You haven't called or anything." He says, and proceeds to take a sit at my couch, with my mom by his side.

"It's just been a really busy-" As I'm looking down for my father's glare's sake, something catches my attention, making me think about ways to bend down and pick it up before any of them notices. "week."

"Have you been going to the center?" My mom asks, and I quickly take one of my earrings.

"So there's where my earring was!" I say and bend down to pick the condom up and place it in my pocket, and show them the earring to fullfill the lie. "You guys want something to drink? I bought these tea bags. So good."

"No, just get dressed, we're going out for lunch." My dad commands.

"Oh, alright."

At least 90% of the times my dad speaks to me, are in this tone that makes me think he's ordering me around. He's only nice and soft to me when he feels pity of me. Like that one time I had my apendix removed, or when I left New Jersey, just a week ago. It makes my heart beat faster, the food I ate two days ago wants to make its way out, and not through the side it's supposed to exit of. My anxiety kicks and I shake like crazy. Plus I have the worst headache ever.

Of course. I'm hung over. Jesus, in only one week Finn got into my pants. What have I done? I don't even know if I regret this. All I know is that this is going to be really awkward for me.

"We'll meet you at this address. It's a nice place we found, close to our hotel and the building." My mom hands me a note with the name of the restaurant on it.

"I know this place. Fancy as fuck." I immediately remember my dad's in the room. "Shit, sorry. Wait- sorry again."

Just when I think my dad's going to lecture me about my unlady-like manners, I only get a glare from him. What's going on?

"Yeah, honey, it's a cute restaurant." My mom states. "Anyway, go get ready Carito."

Carito. Wow. A fucking long time since she called me that. She used to call me by my middle name's apocope when I'd be sad or nervous, always when we'd go to Colombia for holidays. People tend to call me Carolina there. But again, what's going on?

Just as they leave, I go to my closet and open it.

"Didn't know you had been in the closet all this time." I screw with Finn. Not liter- oh.

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