Chapter 11.

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Whenever I feel like crap, I turn on my stereo and jam to my favorite songs. Music is always a pain reliever and this time it's not different. It's a stressful day, I have to hand an essa I wrote for two books, 'cause I wasn't sure if we had to analyze just one book out of the two they gave us, or both. And here I was, listening to 'It wasn't me' by Shaggy, getting ready for today, in nothing but my towel.

"Hey Em!" A voice calls. "Woah, quite the years since I heard this song."

"Hi Finn. Yeah, it's so good tho." I greet him, still looking for something to wear.

"So, Em. About last friday." God no.

"Hey, think we can talk about that later?" I ask stepping into my bathroom to change.

Not that I want to be with him or anything, I know this guy, he's actually growing on me, but like I said, I know him, and he's not boyfriend material. But that's not what worries me the most, I know he's not going to confess his love for me or anything. The thing is... rejection is a bitch.

"Maybe we can talk about it on the ride to your work, I can take you."

This is all too weird. Everytime I try to think about that friday night, I can't help but think about the next day at lunch when my dad told me how fucking sick he is. This is awful.

"No, uh-" I shout through the door and the music. "I actually could use the walk to, you know, think and stuff."

"Emma, seriously, is everything alright?"

"Yeah!" I don't think I'll get out of my bathroom until he leaves.

"You up for movies tonight, then?" He yells.

"Sure." I yell back. Why is he being so persistent all of a sudden?

When I hear my door shut, I step out and take my towel off, to put on my clothes.

"I love it when you strip for me."

"Jesus! Fuck!" I scream and put my towel back on. "Finn, what the fuck?"

"Easy with the cursing." He laughs as if he didn't just see me naked.

"What is it with you seeing me naked?"

"I'm getting used to it."

"Well don't. When have I broken into your place and gotten into your bathroom to see you naked?"

"In my defense, I was already in the bathroom and you were the one who got in there all naked." He clearifies. "Also, we could make this a tie, you know?"

"I've seen you naked too. Get the fuck out now."

"Jeez, you're in a mood." He rolls his eyes.

"Well of course dude, you're becoming a creeper." I say and it only makes him laugh.

Actually, being naked around people in general is kind of a fear of mine. That first time I had sex, it was all dark so it was cool, but, even tho Finn was nice to me and complimented me at least 90% of the time, I still felt uncomfortable. I get where he's coming from, he had seen me naked, not once but twice, now for a third time. But this can't become a thing, I don't have Meredith here and I don't like him like that. I need a friend.


"I hope you guys worked hard on your papers." Mrs. Baker lectures us.

"Yeah, the second book gave me such a hard time, but I think I got it. I made a bunch of notes." I tell her.

"Second book?" Dean whispers to my ear while grabbing my elbow in a harsh way. "What the hell?"

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