Chapter 14.

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains a bulimia episode that will be fully adressed further in the book. Although these scenes might be the hardest ones to read related to this topic.

I have to admit, it feels pretty peaceful to know that Dean and I have come to a point where we treat each other with respect and kindness. After the pep talk we had yesterday, friday was being really nice and having no conflicts here, gave me time to think about my dad, which wasn't a good situation either, but at last my mind knew priorities.

It wasn't like there was a huge change but at least he didn't ignore me everytime. I knew there were subjects we couldn't touch, on both sides. I wanted to ask him so many things. How many tattoos does he have, what do they mean, when did he get them, what was going on with his father, or his mother, how was it possible that he would condone some of his dad's behaviors and, not just not be judgemental but actually doing him favors. Like, when he asked me out and Dean said he was being nice to me 'cause his dad wanted me. I mean, what kind of situation is that. What's going on with his mom, or with himself.

"What is it?" He interrupts my mental rant making me rise my eyebrows like questioning what he's talking about. "You've got this frown..."

"Oh. Uhm- nothing. Just deep in my thoughts." I say and stand up to go for some hot tea.

I'm not really that fond of hot tea, I'm mostly an iced tea fan, but when my anxiety starts kicking, hot tea is key. Secrets and doubts make me go nuts, it's like something in my stomach starts growing everytime a new question makes its way through my head.

"Finally you found your work place." Rachel comes into the little kitchen and takes a seat on the single table here.

"Seriously, what the fuck is your problem? What is so funny about being latina to you?" I turn around to face her.

"It's just you and your attitude. Thinking you've got it all under your arm and walking all over everyone."

"When have I done that?"

"You wanted to ruin all my work here giving me another book. For starters."

"That was Dean trying to prank me or some shit. Collect yourself and your stupid ass crush on him, and leave me alone for once."

"Just go back to Guadala-something."

"Dude, I'm from Colombia, not from Mexico. At least find a new pathetic excuse of an insult. You can be sure as hell that telling me to go back to where I was born represents no insult to me."

"Oh Colombia? Got some coke?" Alright that's it.

"Fuck you." I say and get out of the room. I'm like 99% sure if I don't avoid her presence, I'll end up beating her up. I swear I was about to pull a Demi and go all "I'm about to beat this bitch up" on her.

As I exit the kitchen with the glass of hot tea, Dean gets out and tries to smile at me but fails. This kid needs to smile more, he's forgetting how to do it.

"You have to stop that shit." As I'm still standing on the hall, I hear Dean say.

"What?" Rachel acts innocent. "Hey, what did decide then?"

"Not going." His voice is awkwardly serious, considering he just tried to smile at me and was in a good mood. "And stop being a racist dick."

"Now you're on her side?" She asks in a high pitched tone. "And why aren't you going?"

"Just stop with the racist shit, it only makes you look like a mean rat." Damn, that was harsh.

As I hear his footsteps, I immediately run back to the office and make it look like I'm way too focused on my work.

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