How to Make Money Working From Home

Start from the beginning

Teach a skill: As I already stated, if you are an expert in any craft, your expertise can earn you lots of money through online video courses. If you know how to weave, sew, sing, play a musical instrument, draw, paint, etc., these skills can be all you need to become a prosperous online merchant.

Become a fitness trainer.  If you already have an idea about this, then you are good to go. Even if you know little or nothing about becoming a fitness trainer, you can attend some online or offline courses yourself before teaching others. No one was born with any of such abilities - you learn them if your interest tilts towards that direction.

Become a life coach: If teaching any unique skills is not your thing, you can still succeed with online web courses by specializing in helping people become well by improving their personalities. As a life coach, you can talk about marriages/relationships, the problems plaguing most and best ways to resolve issues. You can help people decide which careers are most suitable for them putting specific factors such as gender, location, marital status, environment, academic qualifications, etc., into consideration.

Teach a foreign language: If you are one of those people who can learn any new language within a few months, you could turn that rare ability into a cash cow. Thousands of people around the world are willing and able to part with their money to be able to speak, write and understand some Chinese, French, Portuguese, Italian, German, and just about any language out there. You don't have to learn all foreign languages before you can succeed with this opportunity - learn one, master it, and teach it well.

Teach the art of approaching: Some people will give anything to be able to learn the art of approaching strangers, engage them in a new conversion and make a perfect impression on them. Such online video courses should include the basics of communication such as sign and body languages, facial expressions and their meanings, the importance of listening and how to keep a conversation flowing smoothly after the opening lines.

The above ideas must have undoubtedly made you think of something you are good at that you can teach. Have you already created a web course? Please comment.

Before you get started with whatever skill you might have been thinking on, keep the following point in mind:

2: Ensure your courses meet best standards

It is not just about starting online courses; the important thing is to ensure you meet best criteria to make your online courses useful to every participant and fruitful in all ramifications.

For your web courses to come out victorious there will be a need for you to take the following steps:

· Have a catchy title for each video course

A look at the title of every one of your online videos should help tell your customers and prospects what to expect from the video. Focus the title on the lessons that the participant will learn from the video, the solutions to expect or what watching the video will do for you. Even if the video is solely about your product, the title should be about the solution the product brings to your pressing problem. For instance, if your video is about training disobedient dogs, the title should read something like: "Turn your disobedient dog into an obedient pet."

· Have a course description

It is essential you have an instructive explanation of your course with relevant information such as the duration of the class if it is in batches, the age group the course targets, etc. If the course is gender specific, you should do well to indicate it there. For instance, if you design an online video web course on, "How to get your ex back with practical examples" for men, it is important to mention that the information contained therein is helpful in enabling men to get their ex-wives and girlfriends back.

Stating all relevant information relating to the video will help eliminate cases of people subscribing to the course only to discover it is not useful to them and leaving you very damaging reviews and remarks. Your course description can be in a preview that lets anyone interested in the course see what to expect as well as the quality before deciding to subscribe.

· Make sure you use formats that get to your target audience

If you design an excellent course and end up not passing the information intended to your audience, the aim of your online course will be ultimately defeated. If videos do not help deliver the information you plan to give considering the audience you are targeting, you could include other course formats such as texts, images, audios, and pictorial charts and the likes. The important thing is to pass on information. If you are teaching a foreign language to an audience who cannot decipher what you are saying due to variations in intonations, your course won't sell.

· Start with a test sample

You don't just go straight to video recording without knowing the visual and audio quality of the end product. When I created my online video courses, I started with sample clips for each of the videos. A sample clip will enable you to check the visual quality of each video as well as the sound effects. Sometimes I discovered my voice had been drowned out by some interfering sound effect or the other.

Such samples will help you know when you need to adjust the settings of your recording device, change location, adjust your lightings, etc. You should do this for your audio recordings also.

· Have a detailed outline of each course

Don't just record a video and post online without first laying out the framework for the video course. Your videos need to be in sections namely - table of content, introduction, body, conclusion, and call to action. The above should be structured same way your school course outlines are structured. If the courses are going to be daily, each day, write down important points you wish to cover in that day's lecture. Cover a few crucial points daily to help your audience take in what you have taught at the end of the day. Also, your courses should be in such a way that each class on a series will show something new as a buildup to learning the main topic you want them to learn. If they learn all they need midway, there will be no point in finishing the course. So suspense can be an essential tool here.

· Make it an interactive course

Online courses fare better when you make sure the audience is active throughout the course. Ask them what they have learned at the end of each day/lesson.

Give them something to take home and work on to enable them to consult relevant books and sources for more information. All these will add more fun and life to the courses.

· Begin with short courses

As a newbie in online classes, you should go for minor topics that won't last for too long. As you master the art of teaching online courses, the quality of your videos and audios will keep improving with each course. Then you can take on the broader courses and succeed with them.

How about webinars? I will cover that in the next chapter.

See you there this coming Friday.

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