How to Create a Unique Niche for Yourself

Start from the beginning

· Read more business and professional books

None of the big names you hear as internet billionaires made it by following rules taught in Harvard by seasoned professors. Some of them had to drop out of school to pursue their dreams. Ideas that make you stand out do not emanate from college classrooms. While you need a college education to sharpen your mind, it is the things you learn on your own that end up standing you out.

Therefore, find books that are not in line with your academic pursuits and read them. There are relevant books on every business idea - see them and learn what you can. Every profession has a top professional they pay for their unique ideas and comprehensive knowledge on how things work. Be that consultant every other consultant in your industry will consult when things get difficult. These days, you do not even need to spend huge on such books before you find something that can change your life. With different sites offering highly discounted books and some free book downloads online, you can learn anything and get your skills sharpened.

· Attend seminars like your life depend on them

I have seen people start a home-based counseling center and reach to people having difficulties in their marriages, careers, and relationships on the internet who have no personal experiences to share, yet people pay them handsomely to get help.

How come they know so much?

Well, it is simple; such people never stop learning. Apart from the books they read, they make sure they attend tens or even hundreds of seminars every year. That is what makes them know more than everyone who runs to them for help.

Whatever industry you work in, there are conferences, seminars, and workshops organized to help you improve on what you already know. Find such events and attend as many as possible. Sometimes, while a speaker is speaking and sharing an experience, you can find an answer to a question everyone in your industry has been asking. You can find an idea that will automatically change the way people do business in your industry.

I have coached many students that have taken part in over 1000 of such seminars and conferences - some of which they organized for others. Most times, they just had to take part in whatever others organized which they found relevant, and that helped them play their roles well as student leaders in professional clubs. When it was time to start their home-based businesses, the information they got from most of those seminars and the things they learned were quite useful.

Let me share with you specific things attending and organizing some of these seminars and conferences helped many students achieve as they searched for their own unique home based business ideas and after they had set it up:

· Where to look when in search of opportunities: Most of the seminars emphasized how to discover hidden opportunities in every sector. Apart from finding solutions to pressing problems as we mentioned in the previous section, there are other areas to look such as businesses that could work well with the products and services your company provides. For instance, if your organization is an airline, you could think towards starting a home-based business that deals with helping people find the most peaceful and serene resorts around the world where they could visit during vacation. You could venture into hotel reservation or airport pickup services. When it comes to what you can do and succeed at home, the options are endless and making yourself available during such seminars, conferences and workshops will help you widen your horizon. Do you have any other ideas? Please let me know by your comments.

· What to do when specific challenges arise: We have talked about individual problems that could surface as you go about setting up your home-based business, but you will still learn more when you learn from the masters. Taking part in such seminars and workshops helped many students learn how others had dealt with specific challenges when they arose and the best approach to handling issues plaguing home-based businesses. People share their personal experiences during such workshops, and you can ask questions concerning the problems you have already encountered if you are already doing one home based business and experiencing specific problems.

· Where to find help: It is easy to get confused when you encounter specific things and ideas will suddenly disappear. At such times, you will need all the help you can get. Some people have dedicated their work life to finding the best solutions to problems facing home-based business and practical steps for solving them. Such workshops and seminars helped many students know where to run for help when they need professional advice and encouragement. The more of such information you arm yourself with, the higher your chances of succeeding.

· Helps you learn how to plan yourself and create a balance between work and life: Not being able to draw a line between your work and family life can lead to the death of many home-based businesses. Many people learned how to schedule and time themselves on every task by partaking in workshops targeted to that effect. Taking part in such seminars will help you learn how best to allocate the appropriate time to each problem to enable you to achieve more in less time, and still, have time to do those other things that matter most to your life such as spending quality time with your kids as a parent.

· How to stay healthy and the tools you can utilize: Such seminars and workshops have helped many people learn the idea initially used by the late Steve Jobs who co-founded Apple Inc. Steve would give "walking meetings," which he said helped him stay fit and mentally alert during such meetings. More great entrepreneurs such as Mark Zuckerberg - Facebook Founder and Mark Dorsey - Twitter co-founder and others now use this same technique to get more results. You will find this helpful when your home-based business idea becomes a great success. Also, you will learn the importance of staying fit and healthy by eating the right foods, exercising regularly and taking working with a good plan.

The other option through which you can start is to collaborate with someone. Let me take that issue in the next chapter.

I will publish that new chapter next Wednesday. See you there.

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