Maiden In Black: Fleeing

Start from the beginning

I sigh at that and put my hand into my purse tugging out an outfit.

A scarlet crop top with short sleeves, it had gothic black ties at the chest area, a scarlet skirt with a black big belt on one area of the skirt wuth white spider patterns on it, black tights, black boy short panties, a black strapless bra, and black gothic boots with gray buckles and it zips up on the sides, and black and white stripped emo arm sleeves that go up to my upper arms.

I took off the kimono quickly, and dressed in that outfit, tugging each article on my body, my slim pale skinned stomach showed, and so did my belly button. My belly button has a scar on it from a gang member slicing my gut in America and I had stitches from it, I don't even know if Sesshomaru noticed it at all, sometimes I forget it's there.

I zip up my purse, fully dressed I walk up to the shed door and open it seeing Jinenji smile down at me. "Ready to chop the wood then?"

"Of course!" I say punching my fist into my other hand.

Jinenji guides me to the front of his cottage home and Sesshomaru was sitting outside still shirtless. That's right at the monestary his top and swords were left there, so he has no top to wear, and he has no weapons to defend us with, but I know better all he needs is his claws to defend me if I'm in danger. "Are you sure you should be sitting outside Sesshomaru?" I ask Sesshomaru walking up to him and bend over to look at him in his eyes.

"He was complaining about the imp whining about Yumi was being rough in treating him." Jinenji's Mom replied.

"I see then. Jaken can be annoying so I understand. Just rest though, no moving around am I clear?" I point to Sesshomaru and he nods, as he leans where he sat on the ground into the cabin wall his arms folded to his chest.

I straighten myself up and walk over to Jinenji who handed me an ax which was not even heavy to me. "Are you sure you can do this?" Jinenji asked I guess worried about me.

"Don't worry I can handle this, just place the wood down for me to cut them is all I need help with okay." I tell Jinenji with a big happy grin doing a thumbs up.

Jinenji smiled and placed a huge chunk of wood as tall as him onto the ground. "You sure you can cut that one?" Jinenji's Mom taunts me.

"Yep, I never give up believe it!" I say to Jinenji's Mom and jump up and chop the whole piece of wood in half.

Jenenji then placed them on their side's and I land on my heels of my boots and chop each long block to small pieces.

"Whoa, for a human you're strong!" Yumi gushed walking to stand next to Jinenji who put another big tall wood piece in front of me and I repeat chopping it and land on my boots heels, and then chop it to small pieces.

"You sure enjoy chores unlike Kagome." Jenenji says and I nod as I breathe hard enjoying doing this chore.

"Unlike my cousin I enjoy chores I can't sit still worth shit. I go nuts if I'm not doing something to keep me busy." I say honestly and point the ax for him to put another wood piece down. "Bring it on! I can do this all day, I love challenges!" I chuckle darkly  smirking at Jinenji who nods placing the wood down.

I jump yet again chopping it in half, and then land on my heels of my boots and chop each piece to smaller ones as Yumi scurried to put them in many piles.

We did about thirty more huge wood pieces until there was no more to cut. I wipe the sweat from my brow and sigh at my hard work. Though my arms burned with the hard work it was worth it.

"Here I'll take the ax." Jinenji grabbed the ax from my hand and says. "Go rest now, we can do other chores."

I nod walking over to where Sesshomaru sat and Jinenji's Mom smiled at me. "Good job, I thought you would tucker out though but I was wrong. Looked like you were having fun, I've never seen a youngster have fun with chores."

Maiden In Black  {Sesshomaru Romance 17-18+}Where stories live. Discover now