Chapter 4: "You're Asking Me Out?"

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Chapter 4: "You're Asking Me Out?"

 Monday morning I walked into first period Math class to find that things, quite sadly, had gone back to how they were before. The army of idiots we back to terrorizing the rest of us, and the as*hole, A.K.A Hernandez, was just sitting plotting the end of the world.

"YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" I screamed, and then realized that I had done it again, let words slip without thinking them over. I looked at Ash, partly scared and definitely pissed. He was looking right back at me don't look away, Mia, do NOT give him that satisfaction for once I listened to myself, and stared right back at him. After the staring contest of the year he.... smirked. SMIRKED!

"Mia, are you planning on going in anytime soon?" I looked over my shoulder to find Mr.Pelletier.

"Do I have to?" I grumbled before heading to the back of the class, grabbing my desk and dragging it to its rightful place at the front. I slipped my headphones on and turned it up at full volume, it's not like the class was going to be useful anyway, and I had to think. 

I couldn't back out like Sarah had said, I already declared war, and it was too late. So how could I win against Ash? The guy definitely looked heartless, and probably was. Yet he did seem close to his sister, so maybe he wasn't totally heartless, but then it's not liked I could use her against him. Then of course I could go back to the idea of his friend, he definitely knew something, but what if it backfired and he told Ash.

I turned and stared at Kirk? Keven? He was standing near the window, looking all innocent with his curly brown hair and glasses. Damn it! I quickly turned back, Ash had seen me staring at the guy, and I couldn't afford to have him find out.

I gave out a big sigh, what was the point? NO, do NOT give up. 

Now I was talking to myself. Great.

Finally as the bell rang, sooner than I'd expected, I left following Yasmine to our Physics class. "So, Mia." She started "Any guys you're interested in?"

I turned to her, a confused frown on my face "No, why?"

"Just wondering..."

"Spit it out."

"I was hoping you would say that." She put her arm around me. "Do you know Aron? He's in our Gym class."


"He the one with the blond hair, amazing green eyes? Anyway, I bumped into him yesterday while I was downtown, and guess what he told me."

"He found the cure to cancer?"

"Ha-Ha, funny. Nope, he really wants to ask you out, but doesn't know how, so I said I would."

"Awwww, you're asking me out? That cute, too bad I'm not into girls." I said, attempting to hide my smirk, but failing miserably.

"No offence, but if I was into girls, you wouldn't be my type. I like dark hair, dark eyes." She gave me a dark look "Beside, gingers have no soul." 


"Hay is for horses."

"First of all, I find gingers cute-"

"Of course you would."

"And second, I'm no ginger. My hair's brown, with a tint of red, DARK red. Ginger is more orange-y."

She leaned on the locker next to mine and I retrieved my books "Excuses, excuses, Red or not, it's fun to make fun of you."

I scowled "Are you getting to the point of your story, or are you planning on making fun of me for the next hour?"

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