Chapter 8: "Being A Little Dramatic"

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Chapter 8: "Being A Little Dramatic"

"Mom!!" I screamed, making my way down the stairs a towel wrapped around me.

"She left already." I turned around, nearly tripping over my own feet in my speed, to find Ash sitting at my kitchen table, coffee cup in hand.

"What are y- Ho- you." I hissed the last part pointing an accusing finger in his direction. All that earned me was a smirk as he leaned back in MY kitchen chair, giving me a once over. I looked down, confused. I blushed when I remembered I was standing there in a towel. 

When I looked back up I saw the amusement in his eyes as he looked at my hair. "New hair colour?"

"YOU!" I repeated. "How COULD you do this!" I said pointing at the failed attempt at washing my hair out. Failed attempt at washing the PAINT out. Yes. P-A-I-N-T!!! I grabbed the closest thing to me, which just so happened to be the broom and attacked Ash. "You ASSH*LE!" I wacked him. "You." I whacked him again. "Ruined." And again. "My. HAIR!" I said, whacking him a final time before he disarmed me, a smile on his face.

"Being a little dramatic, don’t you think?"

He hoped out of the way as I attempted to rip him with my nails. He ran into the hall and I followed in a rush. Too late, I watched as her rushed out of the house, broom still in hand. "See you in school McCarty!" He said, throwing the broom down as he entered his car and drove away.

"ARRRG! I. WILL. GET. YOU. BAAAACK!!" I screamed aimlessly after him.

As I walked into school and hour later, I felt like the Mia in 'Princess Diaries' after she had gotten a hair do, except mine was worst. The Paint had refused to wash out completely and as much as I wanted to skip school, I knew they would have contacted my mom, and then I would be in deep dodo. With all my hair pilled under the my black scarf, I walked down the hallway, begging that teachers would not make me take it off, but of course I never got that lucky. Within minutes I stern teacher, whose name was unknown to me but I thanked the heavens that I hadn't had her as my teacher, gave me a dirty look.

"Off McCarty!" How the heck did she know my name?

She looked at me expectantly, "Umm…it's a religious thing?"

She raised her eyebrows at me, "Suddenly converted to Islam?"

"Umm...Maybe? You know my friend Yasmine is a good influence, 'cause you know...she's Muslim and -"

She ripped the loose scarf of my head, "If you truly were thinking of wearing the hijab you wouldn't be wearing tha-" Then she noticed my hair, and her eye widened. So did everyone else who just so happened to be standing in the same hallway.

Before I knew it phones were clicking away, and I could here the snickers. I officially hated the world. Just as I was planning on finding the nearest bridge to jump off of, Ash turned the corner, his signatory smirk in placed as he noticed the crowd of people whose attention was now solemnly on me. The moment I saw the glint of victory in his eyes, my decision was made.

This is war.


"Miss. McCarty you know we have a strict rule at our school concerning hair dying. Care to tell me what it is?" Miss. Mackovoy asked me, looking at me over her half rimmed glasses.

"No unnatural hair coloring?" I asked, knowing that I was right.

"Exactly, and do you know why we have it?" 

"Because no one wants a private school to look tacky?"

She smiled at me, "Something like that. If you know the basics, then what," She gestured at my hair, "is that?"

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